COMET are one of the world leaders in the manufacture of high pressure and diaphragm pumps. Production at the Reggio Emilia plant in Italy also includes a well recognised mix of High Pressure Cleaners. The In-Line and Axial Reciprocating Plunger pumps are specifically designed for high pressure applications.
Axial High Pressure Pump
BXD Series
Features: Ideally direct coupled to Honda engines up to 6.5 hp Axial Pumps with Ceramic Pistons & Brass Head A medium duty series for petrol & diesel engine applications to 2,500 psi Hollow Shaft 3/4” for SAE J 609A, i.e. Honda engines to 6.5 hp Fitted with M22 x 1.5 mm discharge
BXD 3,400 RPM
AXD Series
Pressure Absorbed Power Weight
RPM Shaft
L/min psi
kW Hp
210 BXD2220G 210 BXD2528G
8.4 9.0 9.0 9.0
2,000 2,800 2,800 3,000 2,000 2,500
2.5 3.6 3.6 3.7 3.1 4.2
3.2 4.8 4.8 5.0 4.2 5.1
4.2 kg 3,400 Hollow 3/4” 4.2 kg 3,400 Hollow 3/4” 4.2 kg 3,400 Hollow 3/4” 4.2 kg 3,400 Hollow 3/4” 4.2 kg 3,400 Hollow 3/4” 4.2 kg 3,400 Hollow 3/4”
$1 D $1 D
210 BXD2528G ASSY
$258 C $299 C
210 BXD2530G 210 BXD3020G 210 BXD3025G
10.6 11.1
$0 C $0 C
CXD 3,000 RPM
Pressure Absorbed Power Weight
RPM Shaft
L/min psi
kW Hp
210 CXD2530G
9.1 9.1
3,400 3,400
4.1 4.1
5.5 5.5
3 kg 3,000 Hollow 3/4” 3 kg 3,000 Hollow 3/4”
$0 C $0 C
E = Fits electric shaft 5/8” NEMA Special orders only
G = Fits engine shaft 3/4” SA Standard Spec.
210 CXD2530G ASSY
Ceramic High Pressure Pump
Features: Plunger Pumps with Ceramic Pistons & Brass Head A professional pump series, ideal for direct coupling to petrol & diesel engines from 5Hp to 13Hp
Hollow Shaft 3/4” SAE J 609A, suitable for Honda engines Construction design allows for quick head rotation change Legend: “D” = Runs at 3400 RPM “K” = Fitted with Built In Unloader Discharge: LWD-K = M22 x 1.5mm LW = 3/8” BSP F
LWD 3400 RPM 1500-2500 psi
Pressure Absorbed Power Weight
Part #
RPM Shaft
L/min psi
kW Hp
Kg 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.9
210 LWD2525G 210 LWD3020G 210 LWD3025G
2500 2000 2500 2500 2200 2200
3.3 3.0 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7
4.4 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
3400 Hollow 3/4” 3400 Hollow 3/4” 3400 Hollow 3/4” 3400 Hollow 3/4” 3400 Hollow 3/4” 3400 Hollow 3/4”
$868 C $716 C $923 C
11.3 11.3 11.3
210 LWD3025G ASSY
$0 C $0 C $0 C
210 LWD3522G
13 13
210 LWD3522G ASSY
LWD-K 3400 RPM 1500-2700 psi c/w Built-In Unloader
Pressure Absorbed Power Weight
Part #
RPM Shaft
L/min psi
kW Hp
Kg 5.8 5.8
210 LWD-K2520 210 LWD-K3020G 210 DWD-K2536
2000 2000 3625 3625 3045 3045 2700 2200 2200 3625 3625 3000 3800 3800
2.6 3.0 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 3.7 3.7 5.5 5.5 5.5
3.5 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.8 5.0 5.0 7.4 7.4 7.4
3400 Hollow 3/4” 3400 Hollow 3/4” 3400 Hollow 3/4” 3400 Hollow 3/4” 3400 Hollow 3/4” 3400 Hollow 3/4”
$730 C
9.4 9.4
$0 B $0 A $0 C $0 C
210 DWD-K2536 ASSY
AWD K Series c/w Built In Unloader
210 DWD-K3030
10 10
210 DWD-K3030 ASSY 210 BWD-K3027 ASSY
3400 Hollow 3/4” $1,211 C
210 LWD-K3522G
13 13
7.2 7.2
3400 Hollow 3/4” 3400 Hollow 3/4” 3400 Hollow 1” 3400 Hollow 1” 3400 Hollow 1”
$685 C $741 C $790 C $980 C
210 LWD-K3522G ASSY
210 DWD-K3536
13.2 13.2 13.1 13.1 13.1
210 DWD-K3536 ASSY
Comet DWD-K Series
210 AWD-K3530G 210 AWD-K3538
$0 C
3400 Hollow 1” $1,440 C 3400 Hollow 1” $1,232 C
210 AWD-K3538G ASSY
BE Pressure Supply Pty Ltd - Price List 2024 November
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