Nipples & Couplings
“K” Lock
BARST-247 coupling system
• The new high-pressure hose and lance coupling system BAR247 can be added to eisting high-pressure cleaning systems and provide for quick and reliable changing of accessories without any annoying screwing and jamming. Thanks to its intuitive operation and very sturdy design, it offers all advantages of a quick coupling system. Being made of a high-quality combination of brass and stainless steel, it is perfectly suitable for use in professional or industrial environments such as
agriculture and cleaning of large surfaces ranging from transporters to public places and outside surfaces. Thanks to the plastic coating of the handwheels, the coupling system is ideally suited for hot-water applications.
BARST-247 couplings
Brass. TR22F. Max. 400 bar / 150°C
TR22F. Brass. Incl. 2 heat resistant caps. Max. 400 bar / 150°C
M22F. Brass. Incl. 1 heat resistant cap. Max. 400 bar / 150°C
ST-247c1. Brass. Max. 350 bar / 45 L/min/ 150°C
Part #
Part #
Part #
Part #
148 200 247 310
148 200 247 410
148 200 247 420
148 200 247 255
ST-247: 1/4” M Hardened stainless steel Max. 400 bar / 150°C
ST-247: 1/4” F Hardened stainless steel Max. 400 bar / 150°C
ST-247: M22 M Hardened stainless steel Max. 400 bar / 150°C
ST-247: TR22 M Brass/stainless steel Max. 400 bar / 150°C
Part #
Part #
Part #
Part #
148 200 247 110
148 200 247 100
148 200 247 125
148 200 247 120
BE Pressure Supply Pty Ltd - Price List 2024 November
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