King's Business - 1917-04

Bible Is the in Danger?

B y D r. R . A. T o r r e y 5D®aaa ©2 t h e B ib le llaastltaat® ®2 IL©s J ta g e le s

HERE are two classes who think that the Bible is in danger: First, there are those who think it is in danger because they are

more dangerous because they do not make the mistake that he did of thinking that the world would accept caricature for argument, and ridicule for reason, and rhetoric for logic. They are more danger­ ous also because they do not come out into the open, as he did, and frankly avow themselves to be infidels. They claim, in some sense, to believe in the Bible, but all the while that they claim it they are seek­ ing, consciously or unconsciously, to under­ mine the faith of others in the absolute inerrancy and authority of the Bible. The most dangerous enemies of the Bible today are the college professors and principals of high schools, and even theological pro­ fessors, who, while they claim to be endeav­ oring to establish faith upon a broader, and therefore better, basis, are all the time attempting to show that the Bible is full of errors and not in accord with the assured results of modern science and history. These enemies are legion, they are found practically everywhere, many of them are able men, and some of them are brilliant men, and they have formulated a skillfully planned campaign against the Bible. Nevertheless, the Bible is in no danger. There are six reasons why the Bible is not in. danger.

glad to think so; because it gives their consciences some little consolation in a life of sin to think that the Bible will not stand. But there is another class who fear the Bible is in danger, and 'it is with great reluctance that they think that it is, they love the Bible, they would be glad to believe the Bible, but they are afraid the old Book must go. Let us then honestly face the question, is the Bible in danger? I shall prove to a demonstration that it is not in danger. I will not deny that the Bible has enemies, and most able enemies, most persistent enemies. Eighteen years ago when Colonel Irigersol suddenly died there were many who breathed a sigh of relief, for they thought that the most dangerous enemy of the Bible was gone. But Col. Ingersol was not the most dan­ gerous enemy of the Bible. There were more dangerous enemies of the Bible even during his lifetime than he himself, was, and there are far more dangerous enemies of the Bible than he today. They are

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