King's Business - 1917-04



Revival Conference Held in Chicago consecration and a return to the primal Christian duty of preaching the Gospel to “every creature;” that by the over-ruling grace of our Almighty Father the fearful sorrows of this hour may be translated into a blessing, refining, lifting, and unify­ ing the sadly separated children of God, and preparing the world for Kingdom con­ ditions. We therefore pass on this “call,” praying that the spirit of supplication and unity may possess Christians of every name and land. Humbly disclaiming any attitude of leadership, and desirin'g only that believers throughout our sin-scourged world may be seized by the common impulse of a new reliance on God, and a fuller surrender to His will, we urge through the disseminat­ ing influence of the public press that in d i­ viduals and families begin at once daily prayer for the special manifestations of God’s grace and power, and that bodies of Christians be called by their respective leaders to meet for public prayer and-sup­ plication on Ash Wednesday, February 21st, or on February 22, fhe birthday of George Washington, beseeching. the God of Nations to overrule all things for His glory and to hasten the answer to our daily prayer, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.” James M. Gray, Presiding Officer of the Conference, Dean of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. Luther B. Wilson, Bishop of the Metho­ dist Episcopal Church. Robert M. Russell, ex-Moderator of the United Presbterian Church. A. B. Winchester, Pastor Knox Presby­ terian Church, Toronto. A. T. Robertson, Professor Baptist The­ ological Seminary, Louisville, Ky. Paul Rader, Pastor Moody Tabernacle, Chicago. John . Timothy Stone, Pastor Fourth Presbyterian Church, Chicago. R. A. Torrey, Dean of the Bible Insti­ tute, Los Angeles, California.

An Earnest Call from the Recent T HE Revival Conference at the Thirtieth Annual Réunion of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago,* commemorating the eightieth ’birthday of Dwight L. Moody, its founder, has received from the Rocky Mountain Bible: Conference at Denver, Colo., the following message : “The Rocky Mountain brethren send Christian greetings, and pray God’s bless­ ing on the Conference. World conditions are growing more critical. Kings and Presidents seem to be groping in darkness. The stock market is sensitive to world events; the Church of Christ should be more sensitive. Only God can give light and guidance. In the solemn hour we recommend that you issue a call to Chris­ tians of America to unite in humiliation, confession, prayer and supplication with thanksgiving to God, to manifest Himself in power, that eyes may be opened to understand His sovereign plan for the world ; that our Republic may he led to face this hour in His wisdom and courage; and that a great multitude of hearts may be made ready for the coming back of the •ICing, our Lord and Saviour. “P erry V. J enness , Chairman.” This ; call has found an immediate, unanimous, and most profound response at our Conference. We believe the brethren of the Rocky Mountain Conference were led by the Spirit of God to make this recommendation. We cordially reciprocate its spirit, and accept in the name of our Lord Jesus the most solemn obligation of humbly passing on the call, with the earnest prayer that in this hour of surpassing sor­ row, sin, and fearful World-tragedy, fellow Christians of every name and in every land, may be united in beseeching the God and Father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for mercy and help; that Christians may be convicted of their sins as Chris­ tians, and the world convicted of “sin, righteousness, and judgment” by the Holy Spirit; that we may be moved to deep humiliation for and confession^ of our manifold sins, especially our sins of omis­ sion; that we may have poured upon our quickened hearts the spirit of grace and supplication that we may be led to a deeper

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