King's Business - 1917-04



in company with a number of students, made a visit to the Counfy Hospital, where they sang the old Gospel message for the benefit of the suffering inmates. Return­ ing to the club room, the new converts expressed themselves as' having passed the happiest day of their lives. All men are invited to visit the headquarters any day after 12 o’clock, noon.

The Biola Club, with headquarters at No. 648 South Spring street, under the superin­ tendence of H. M. Reynolds, a Bible Insti­ tute worker among men, though of quite recent inauguration, has quickly justified itself as an efficient uplifting agency. The accompanying picture was made at a recent gathering of the fellows who have been reached, and of some of the workers. They had dinner at the Bible Institute and then,


O N “Boxing' Day” and New Year’s Day a convention was held at the Gospel Union Hall, Commonwealth and Reservoir streets, Sydney, New South Wales,! to con­ sider the various aspects' of Scripture teach­ ings in connection with the return of the Lord Jesus. G. E. Ardill, the convener of the gathering, presided at each session. The topics and speakers were as follows: “Antichrist,” Mr. J. B. Youdale; “Radiant Light and the World’s Dark Horizon,” Rev. W. Lamb; “Another Coming of Christ Necessary to Complete the Perfect Sym­ metry of Scripture Revelations,” Rev. C. Benson-Barnett; “The War, Jerusalem and the Lord’s Coming,” Rev. Sale Harrison; “Looking for the Glorious Appearing,” Mr. H. G.Harward; “Christ’s Personal Reign,” Rev. R. O. Todd; “Some Aspects-of the

Blessed Hope and the Glorious Appearing,” Rev. T. R. Coleman; “How to Prepare for Our Millennial Duties,” Mr. W. H. Wooster; “The Five Incentives,” Mr. H. Alexander; “The, Prophetic .Word,” Rev. A. R. Shaw; “The Star of the East Movement: For Whom Is the Welcome Being Prepared?” Rev. J. D. Mill; “In the Twinkling of an Eye,” Mr. J. McDonald. A Question Box Hour provided an op­ portunity for many to present difficulties. Mr. J. McDonald and Rev. Sale Harrison made reply to the questions. Adresses on Aggressive Evangelism were delivered by Messrs. J. T. Furnass, G. H. Cooke and John McDonald, each of whom has been working in connection with the Evangeliza­ tion Society of N. S. W. in various parts of the State.

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