King's Business - 1917-04

r P HE following roster of thirty-two foreign missionaries, all of whom are graduates of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, will prove most interesting to the readefs of T he K ing ' s B u sin ess : AFRICA—Harry P. Plerdman, C. T. Yoflngken, Kenneth Allen, M.D., Mrs. Kenneth Allen,- Joel Soderburg, Betty Pierson, Flora Pierson, Pauline Fraas, Mary R. Kolachny, all located at Kijabe, British East Africa; Edith Harris, Gishumu, British East Africa; Christine Suderman, Lolodorf, West Africa. CHINA—Harry Costeris, Tai Ming Fu, Chili, North China; Luella Donaldson, Canton; Helen E. Smith, Soo Chow, Kiangsi; Alden Pratt, Lien Chow, Canton; Hans G. Von Klitzing, address unknown; Martha Pohnert, Pi Yang, Honan; Bessie E. Pike, Wuchang, Hupeh; Florence F. Pike, Yeung Kong, South China; Albert Johnson, Rancheng, Hupeh; Mrs. Albert Johnson, Rancheng, Hupeh; Eliza N. Finn, 7 No. Shansi Road, Shanghai; Dr. Kate McBurney, Tok Hing Chan,'West River, South China; Mrs. Richard Jenness (Lil­ lian Keys), Peking; J. R. Benning, Tai Ming Fu, Chili, North China. INDIA—Mrs. D. Bergthold (Anna Sud­ erman), Anna Hanneman, Hughestown, Hyderabad. JAPAN—Frances E. Davidson, Tokio; Jessie Asbury, Sendai; Kuku Fujita, Kana­ zawa. SOUTH AMERICA—Van Vleck Ed- dings, La Victoria, Venezuela; E. J. Gillis, Santiago, Chile. ;C. T. Youngken is at present home from Africa on furlough, and Thomas Hannay and Hugh Wallace died while on duty at Kijabe. Mrs. C. T. Youngken and Mrs. Thomas Hannay are also missionaries at Kijabe, the former being now here on fur­ lough with her husband. Neither are graduates of the Bible Institute, but they are efficient workers in the mission.

HE Correspondence School of the Bible Institute is growing encouragingly. Its one hundred students represent eighteen leading denominations, twenty-two States of the Union, and the following foreign countries: Canada, England, New South Wales, New Zealand, South Africa, Aus­ tralia, Wales, Central America and Portu­ gal. The following words of appreciation from students taking the courses testify to their worth: Miss F. S. Joplin, Mo.: “Lam enjoying the Bible lessons greatly.” Rev. J. D. R., Norfolk, England: “I assure you I quite.enjoy this helpful Bible study, and believe its usefulness cannot be overestimated, and you certainly have my best wisljes and prayers for all the encour­ agement you need and success you deserve.” Miss S. H., Akron, Colo.: “I am enjoy­ ing the Bible study so much. Every lesson gets more interesting.” E. S., St. Jacobs, Ontario: “I certainly enjoy these studies and have been greatly blessed by the same.” Miss C. M. H., Les Angeles: “I am enjoying this work exceedingly. I feel I am being greatly enriched by this splendid study of the Word of God, and I am sure it is drawing m t nearer to the Lord, because it makes me understand Him more and more. The study of the Word in this •way has been so enjoyable and profitable that I have invited in the ladie,s of my neighborhood, once a week, that I may give them, with God’s help, a taste of the delectable things on which I am feasting.” E. P. T., Riverside, Cal.: “I have learned how by these studies to follow any subject in the Bible and get what the Bible teaches on them.” Rev. C. M. B., Athol, Kansas: “I am finding this study to be most helpful and of especial benefit to me in my work.” Rev. L. L. H., Urbana, Ohio: “The course is leading md closer to Him.”

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