King's Business - 1917-04



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THE SPANISH WORK R. H. Bender, Supt.

r P HE seal of God’s gracious approval has A been manifested upon the Spanish work during the past three months. For the benefit of the readers of T he K ing ’ s B usiness , let us state that our work is that of visiting the railroad camps, scat­ tered throughout the county, where the Mexicans are housed. At present, we have

Our work is that of obeying the com­ mand of our Lord to “Go out into the high­ ways and hedges and compel them to come in.” This kind of work has been largely neglected and consequently we have to spend'some time in preparing the soil and sowing the seed, but we have this assur­ ance : “He that goeth forth and weepeth,

An Interesting Spanish Bible Group

sixteen such camps on our list, some of which we can only visit twice in the month. Our method is to hold outdoor services in three or four of the larger camps every Lord’s Day, and every night during the week we hold indoor services with groups of men and their families. In many places where these'camps are located we find small settlements of Mexicans, for whom nothing is done; here we distribute tracts and Gospels, and to those most interested we often give a Npw Testament.

bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.” One thing concerning this work in the camps is this: If the Gospel is not taken to them they will never know anything more than the teaching of the Roman Catholic^ church. For instance, in one of oUr groups of Mexican families, one of the women remarked: “All our'lives we have been taught to believe what the priest said, and consequently were kept in ignorance as

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