King's Business - 1917-04



Does Jesus ever lose sight of His own? Matt. 28:20; 1 Peter 3:12-15. If they wander, does He bring them back? Luke 15:4. What more than sight did the blind man need? 3 :3; 8 :12. Who alone could bestow that ? 1:4; 11:25. Does Jesus ,make a personal revelation of Himself to the sinner? John 4:26. What essential thing did the blind man do? Acts 16:31. What logical thing did he then do ? v. 38. In accepting worship, did Jesus manifest His Deity? 13:13; Luke 4:8. PRACTICAL POINTS (1) The sons of men'are spiritually blind, from birth. (2) Jesus saw a man in need; the dis­ ciples saw an object for theological discussion. (3) Sickness js not always a sign of some specific sin. (4) Man’s deep need affords the Lord an opportunity to display His great power. (5) Obedience te His Word will always bring light and life. (6) When a man is a saved man, he is a changed man. (7) Every Christian should be able to say, “Whereas I was blind, now I see.” (8) When they cast him out of the syna­ gogue, the Lord took Him into His sanctuary.

What was the purpose of this man’s affliction? 2 John 2:11.

(2 ) Bestowment of Light, ▼*. 4-11. Did the,,blind man seek help from Jesus? Isa. 65:1. For what was Jesus sent into the world? 12:44-46. Is the world in darkness? 1:5; Eph. 3:8. What did Christ' see in the blind man ? Gal. 6:10. What is suggested by the clay? 1:14; Gen. 2:7. What is suggested by the spittle? Gen. 1 : 2 . What is suggested by the command, “Go, wash?” Eph. 5:26; Psa. 119:130. Of what was that command a test? Mark 9 :23. 1 What Old Testament leper was similarly cleansed? 2 Kings 5:14. To the hungry what did Christ become? 6:35. What did he become to the thirsty? 7 :7. What did He become to the dead? 11:25. What did He become to the blind? 8:12. Why, after he had received his sight, was his identity questioned ? 12:39, 40. What was his testimony? v. 25; 1 John 5:19. Was he a good witness for Christ? Acts 4:16-20. (3 ) Bestowment of Life, vs. 35-38. Was there abundance of proof that sight was restored? vs. 8, 20, 21, 15, 24. Why were the Pharisees not willing to receive the proof? 11:47, 48. What did they do with the blind man? vs. 22, 34.

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