Do they bear His mark? v. 14; 2 Tim. 2:19. Does He know their way? Psa. 1: 6 . . Does He name them ? v. 3; 1 Sam. 3 :3, 4; Acts 9:4. Does He correct them ? Heb. 12: 6 ; Rev. 3:19. Do the sheep know Him? vs. 4, 5; 1 John 5:20. Do they follow Him? vs. 4, 27. Where does He lead them? Psa. 23:1, 2. Does He ever forsake His sheep ? vs. 28, 29. Is He also the Great Shepherd? Heb. 13:20. Is He also the Chief Shepherd? 1 Peter 5:4. PRACTICAL POINTS (1) If we follow the Shepherd, we will find good pasture.
(2) The Shepherd sets a seal upon every one of His sheep. (3) Those who seek salvation, save by the way of the Cross, are thieves and robbers. (4) The wolves in sheep’s clothing are those who disseminate false doc trines. (5) The entrance into the Kingdom is through the door of the Cross. ( 6 ) Jesus suffered the wrath of God in order that He might become the door of the sheep. (7) A sheep may stray and be stranded, but he can never be eternally sepa rated from the Shepherd.
------------O--------- — Jesus Anointed at Bethany APRIL 22, 1917. LESSON IV. John 12:1-11. (Memorize vs. 2, 3.) G olden T ex t : “She hath done what she could.”—Mark 14:8.
DAILY BIBLE READINGS Mon., April 16—John 12:1-11. (The Lesson.)
Tues., April 17—Luke 10:38-42. Wed., April 18—Mark 14:1-11. Thur., April 19—Matt. 26:6-13. Fri., April 20—Duke 7 :36-50.
Sat., April 21—Isaiah 61:1-3. Sun., April 22—Mark 12:28-34. EXPOSITION AND PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
v. 1. "Then Jesus, (Jesus therefore) six days before the passover, ( omit/J came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, which had been dead, (omit, which had been dead,) whom He (Jesus) raised from the dead.” We are now come within six days of Jesus’ last passover. It might appear from the account in Matthew that this supper was two days before the passover, but Matthew and. Mark bring this feast in after mention ing the conspiracy of the chief priests and elders, because the incident of the feast led Judas to his final determination to sell
his Master to His enemies, and is thus con nected with the plots of the Jewish leaders, but by a comparison of the various accounts we see that the real day was “six days before the passover,” as stated here by John. This passage throws a holy light upon home life and the way in which Christ regards it. Jesus does not forget, in those supreme hours of His life, the friends He loved, Martha and Mary and Lazarus (cf. ch. 11:5). He will have for His own heart’s joy, and still more for the confirmation of their faith, a few more
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