King's Business - 1917-04

THE KING'S BUSINESS 375 The International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia

16 Page Maps In Colors 32 Full Page Illustrations 700 Illustrations In All

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Triumphant OverAll


James Orr, M. A . D. D. S S 1


Assisted by 200 Contributors An Entirely New Work From Beginning to End

Six Paramount Features of this Remarkable Work R ffc ftflflilitv This new' Encyclopaedia ac- M v u a u t i u j cepts only established truth. It refuses to yield Scripture to unconflimed theories. Frankly conservative, it builds up rather than pulls down. VTsbiritACiC Every phase of all subjects Is * a11 llc o ® treated; even both sides of dis­ puted questions, oft-en-tlmes different Conten­ tions being upheld by different wrlters.Thus you may know all, and judge for yourself. r* n m n lp tP tlP 6 C The Editorshave striven V U iu p id C U C S S to inciude everything that might throw light on the message of the Word of God, Refer to this work for anything —ask it any question, and you willgetan author­ itative answer. V tA a ria h ilifv The writers are scholarly l i c a u a u u u j ' men _ recognized authori­ ties; their knowledge Is recorded in simple lan­ guage which may be easily read add understood by everyone. Simplicityandclearnessis the rule, not the exception, flA m n ilp fn A 6 C The wealth of knowledge V sU iupsiV lllC Sa andimformation given by this work is confined within the covers of five convenient volumes. Easy toread,easy tohandle; classified and Indexed so as to be readily acces­ sible. You cannot appreciate this remarkable work until you have it in your study. T a « t P r i p p In wealth of scholarship, skill in- Ppw ™ * a* V C assembling the vast store of in­ formation, and excellence of printing, binding, illus­ trating, etc., this is the most valuable Biblical work, yet the cost is small. Sold to you for but $ 1 ,0 0 down, and easy paym ents. 32 Page Book Sent Free This book gives you the names of contributors, sample pages, and detail description. Read what prominent men in all denominations say about this stupendous work. Time can no more render obsolete this work than the the truth which it upholds. W rite us for full particulars at once. Now is the time to act. Remember this work treats many more subjects than any Biblical Encyclopaedia or dictionary ever published. THE HOWARD-SEVERANCE CO. Dept. K 3 , Chicago, HI.

Opinions o f Some P rom inent Men REV. DWIGHT MALLORY PRATT, Housatonic, Mass.' Let me heartily congratulate the publishers npon producing a Bible encyclopaedia that for ' magnitude and importance has never been equalled in America. CHARLES MARTIN. Wooster. Ohio Principal Florence H. Sever - ■ ance Trainiug School. Former Librarian ofPrinceton University. I have had great pleasure as a member of the Library Com­ mittee of the College in recom­ mending the immediatepurchase of- a copy for the Library and I want to add a copy to my own working library. REV. M. G. KYLE. Xenia, Ohio Professor in Xenia Theological Seminary. This encyclopaedia,if wetake ac­ count of its character and com­ pleteness, stands in a class by it­ self. The best feature is that in it scholarship ’‘speaks English.” REV. FINIS K. FARR, Cincinntfi. Ohio Professor in Lane Theological Seminary. The I. S. B. E. far, exceeds my expectations in beauty of me­ chanical production, fullness of titles, ana completeness of treat­ ment. REV.BURTONS. EASTON. Chicago,111- Professor Western Theological Seminary. The completion of the I. S. B. E. is a greatand triumphantunder­ taking of high rank. Many of the articles surpassany single mono­ graphs that have been written on their respective subjects and will certainly become classics.

Endorsed by All Leading Publications We believe that the International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia will be a welcome aid to Chris­ tian scholarship. There are notable features that make this Bible encyclopaedia standabsolutelyalonein itsfield, and make it practically an indis­ pensable work for all serious . students of ,theBible. THE CHRISTAIN ENDEAVOR WORLD At last we have what the Christian world has long desired, a Bible dictionary of the largest scope that is thoroughly sound in its vi£ws of the Scriptures. The I. S.B.E.can becommended heartily as the most comprehen­ sive, scholarly and at the same time- most conservative Bible dictionary yetissued in the Eng­ lish language. We shall hope to see this work In numerous ministerial studios, In many of our homes, and in all onr schools, for constant and careful use. THE HOWARD-SEVERANCE CQ. D ep t.K -3 , C hicago, 111. Please send me at ones vour bookand full particulars cutout the new International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, your special introductory offer and easy payment plan. N am e ........................................................ THE CHRISTIAN HERALD THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TIMES THE CONTINENT (Presbyterian) ¡CHRISTIAN STANDARD (Christian)

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