King's Business - 1917-04

378 THE KING’S BUSINESS mm m rnim im m iim wm um m im m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m wm im '* Our Correspondence School By the Faculty of the BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES Instruction by correspondence long since ceased to be an experiment and took its well-earned place as a duly accredited method of education. If, it lacks the personal touch of the class-room, it intensifies the originality and determ ination of the individ­ ual student. A student may thus pursue his ordinary occupation while perfecting himself as a Christian worker.

Course 1.— Fundamental Doctrines of Christianity By R . A . TORREY , D ean of th e In stitu te

upon the doctrine under discussion and from them ascertain and formulate the teaching of the Bible. This is the true inductive method of study.

This is a careful study ,' of what the Bible teaches on the Christian faith. The method pursued is to bring together every statem ent of Scripture bearing

Course 2 .—The Life and Teachings o f Our Lord By R. A . TORREY , D ean of th e In stitu te

tically every verse in the four Gospels. A t t h e end of each twenty lessons, a series of questions on the whole section is sent to the student to be answered.

This course presents a thorough study of the life and teachings of our Lord, as recorded in the four Gospels, it consists of 140 studies. These studies cover prac-

Course 3.—Through the Bible by Books and Chapters By JO HN H . HUNTER , S e cretary of th e F aculty

each chapter in each book analyzed A special blank is furnished on which the student records the result of his own study.

T his,course carries the student through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, each book being studied as a whole, ana

Course 4.— Personal Evangelism and Practical Work By T . C . HO R TO N , S u p e rin te n d en t of th e In stitu te

equip for the work of dealing with believ­ ers and unbelievers; second, to direct the student in the best methods of doing per­ sonal work; third, to g iv e suggestions concerning the preparation for conduct of religious meetings.

The business of, every believer is to be qualified for service,. The work of every believer is soul saving. , It will therefore be the privilege of the instructor, in this course: first, to put the student in touch with the Scripture best calculated to

Other Courses in Preparation TERMS : For Numbers 1, 2 and 3—$5.00 each. For Number 4—$3.00


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