King's Business - 1917-04



Signs of the Times-



T H E COM ING PRINCE By Sir Robert Anderson. Seventh edi­ tion of this standard work on 'the anti­ christ. A comprehensive explanation of Daniel’s great prophecy oh the seventy weeks, together with an answer to the higher criticism. ........... ................................................. C loth, $ 1 .5 0 “TH E MORNING COM ETH ” By David James Burrell. A masterly comparison of the earliest history with modern times, showing the fruition of God’s plans. While the one general thought runs through the book, each chapter is complete in itself and furnishes food for profitable meditation and practical Chris­ tian livipg. ..................................................................C loth, 75c TH INGS TO COME By John R. Caldwell. A short outline of some of the great events of prophecy; This book is to be read /with an open Bible for continual reference. Beginning with the promises of Abraham, it treats of the chief events in God’s plan of the ages so far as revealed in His Holy Word. .......................................................... C loth, 50c TH E HO PES O F TH E CHURCH O F GOD , IN CONNECTION W ITH TH E DESTINY O F TH E JEWS AND T H E NATIONS By J. N. Darby. Contents: The Church and Its Glory; Second Coming of Christ; First Resurrection,; Progress of Evil on the Earth; The Twofold Character ofi Evil; Judgment of the Nations; Israel’s First Entry Into the Land; Israel’s Failure and Dispersion; Promises of Future , Restora­ tion. ..................................................................C loth, 75c TH E SIGNS O F TH E TIMES By I. M. Haldeman. Vivid and start­ ling portrayals of present-day conditions. ............ ....................................................C loth, 75c OM INOUS DAYS! OR , THE SIGNS O F TH E TIMES By E. L. Langston. Treats of Israel and the dispensations. ........... ....................................................C loth, 4 0 c A T HAND : TH INGS W H ICH MUST SHORTLY COME TO PASS An outline of prophetic future, so inter­ esting that once begun must almost be finished at a sitting. A masterly exposition. ............................ l ....................................C loth, 85c

By E. P. Cachemaille. This contains a continuous historical explanation and a harmony of the two visions. ..._____ >.................................................C loth, 4 0 c W H A T SHALL BE DONE IN TH E DRY ? By James Dunbar. The author has sought out and put in order the teaching of Holy Scripture, “In the law of Moses, in the Prophets, and in the Psalms,” as well as from the lips of our Lord and of His Apostles, especially concerning God’s people Israel during the awful period of Anti­ christ’s manifestation, rule and persecution of the saints of the Most High. ................................................... C loth, $ 1 .0 0 GOD ’S O A TH By Ford C. Ottman. A practical inter­ pretation of the prophets and ,a study of the spiritual life of the ^ Old and New Testaments. ............................................................C loth, $1 .2 5 TH E EVOLUT ION O F TH E KINGDOM By William B. Riley. Dr. Riley first defines the kingdom of God and then gives a Scriptural description of it. Then follow chapters on the tribulations and the transla­ tion, the kingdom and the resurrection body, the great usurper’s short reign, the Biblical order of millennial events, the king­ dom of God complete “in heaven,” the historical ministry of pre-millennialism, and the significant signs of the times. .................................................................. C loth, 7 5 c FUTURE EVENTS, W ITH NUMEROUS PRO PH ET IC DETA ILS By Walter Scott. Very satisfactory- answers td one hundred forty questions asked by eager inquirers, including:- “Will the Lord come personally or by the spirit?” “Will the Lord’s Coming be pre-millennial or post-millennial?” “Will evil increase or decrease before the Lord comes?” and many others of equal interest. .................................................................. C loth, 35c A FTER C IV IL IZATION— W H A T ? By Edward G. Rowland. Bears a mes­ sage of the weightiest character, one which is of the highest importance to everyone now on earth. t .........................P a p e r, 15c TH E GREAT A PO STACY SET IN By A. Sims. Showing the falling away from sound doctrine among the professed followers of Christ. ....................................................

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