King's Business - 1917-04



Signs of the Times-


FO RGOTTEN TRUTH S By Robert Anderson, Discusses I the Coining of thé Lord us the antidote to the Higher Criticism by clearly distinguishing between the heavenly calling of the Church and the earthly glory of national Israel. ............................................................ C loth, $ 1 .2 5 JESUS IS COM ING - By W.'E; Blackstone. A standard work onr this important subject. Gives the right outlook on life and the right incentive to soul winning. ....................................... C loth, 5 0 c ; p a p er, 25c M A RANA TH A : T H E LORD COM ETH By James H. Brookes. A very clear and 'scholarly treatment of the doctrine of pre- millennialism. One of the oldest and best books on this subject.. .............................................................C loth, $1 .2 5 BIBLE OUTLINES ON TH E SECOND COMING By C. C. Cook. Contains all the Scrip­ ture references to the Second Coming from both the Old and New Testaments. ....................... ......,....................................P a p e r, 5c GLEAMS FROM TH E MORNING STAR AND BEAMS O F TH E SUN O F RIGHTEOUSNESS By George W. Davis. A strong series of discourses on'the Second Coming of Christ from the pre-millennial point of view. ....................... .............C loth, $ 1 .0 0 ; p a p er, 50c LOOK ING FOR TH E SAV IOUR Bÿ Philip Mauro. The author shows that he feels very closely drawn to all who are truly looking for the Saviour, even though they be such as hold that there are unful­ filled prophetic events that must first occur; He enters Upon the discussion of that question with those brethren without feel­ ing that he is engaging in a controversy. .................................................................. C loth, 50c SUNRISE: “BEHOLD , H E COM ETH !” By G. Campbell Morgan. A well rea­ soned contribution to a subject which all who believe in’ Christ’s birth and resur­ rection will consider thoughtfully. ................... ............................................. C loth, 60c TH E SECOND COM ING O F CHRIST By Robert E. Speer. Thinking people trust Mr. Speer for his loyalty to the Lord Jesus and his knowledge of the Word of God. .................................................................. C loth, 30c TH E RETURN O F TH E LORD JESUS By R. A. Torrey. A sane, systematic and thorough presentation of the teaching of the Bible regarding the Second Coming of Christ. ....................................... C loth, 5 0 c; p a p er, 25c


By L. W. Munhall. Shows the nature and imminence of His return, and the value of the doctrine. It also treats of the resur­ rections, the judgments, the devil, and Israel’s earthly inheritance. ........ ....................................................C loth, $ 1 .0 0 TH E COM ING O F TH E LORD i By A. T. Pierson. Two argumentative papers showing the coming of the Lord to be both the doctrinal and the practical cen­ ter of the Bible. ....................................... C loth, 4 0 c ; p a p er, 25c TH E COM ING AND T H E KINGDOM By William B. Riley. The kingdom defined. Shown to be an ideality and a reality, alike physical | and ethical, both a manifestation of God to the human soul and a recognition of God as the only right­ ful ruler. ............................................................... P a p e r, 2 5 c TH E LORD ’S RETURN By Jesse Forest Silver.- The Great Event shown to be pre-millenrtial and imminent. The author has gone to the very sources of Christian doctrine and gathered material from the Apostolic Fathers and other ancient manuscripts. An encyclo­ pedia of valuable information condensed into a convenient handbook for ready reference. B IRTH PANGS O F W ORLD ’S BEST AGE By J. Johnstone Palmer. A valuable handbook of study for discerning the Signs of the Times. ............................... ..................................C loth, 65c TH E GLORIOUS APPEAR ING O F T H E SAV IOUR By J. Gosset-Tanner. One of the clear­ est and yet most simply written books on this topic; full of most important informa­ tion on the drift of the present times. Some parts of the book are very fascinating. ..................................................................C loth, 5 0 c WHEN GOD COMES DOWN T O EA R TH * By Rev. Grant Stroh. A study of eschatology from a new angle. A com­ bined historical and prophetical study. A view of the “last things” through the medium of past things. ......................I ......I ................ I .......C loth, $ 1 .2 5 T H E COM ING AND KINGDOM O F CHR IST

A stenographic report of the Prophetic Bible Conference held at the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, 1914. .................................... P a p e r, 50 c; cloth, $ 1 .0 0 Order from the BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Los Angeles, California

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