King's Business - 1917-04



Signs of the Times— Continued

AN T I-CHR IST IAN SUPERNATURALISM By Kenneth Mackenzie. The false teachings of Christian Science, Theosophy, Buddhism, Hypnotism, and other anti- Christian supernatural religions, are shown to be unscriptural. .................................................................. P a p e r, 25c T H E CAUSE AND CURE O F INFIDELITY By -David Nelson. The causes are shown to be man’s wicked nature and his lack of information; the cure, the applica­ tion of the Word of God and prayer. ................... .............................................. C loth, 50c, CAN A CHR ISTIAN BE A SOC IA L IST ? By William Robertson. An eye-opener to any truly “born again” person who has a leaning toward socialism. ....................... ............................................. P a p e r, 5c TH E FINAL ITY O F THE H IGHER CRITICISM By William B. Riley. A successful de­ fense of “the faith once delivered” against the doubting spirit now brooding over the educational institutions of America. .................................................................. C loth, 4 0 c TH EO SO PHY ; OR , BUDDHISM ABROAD By William B. Riley. Shows that The­ osophy comes from the somewhat foetid East. __P a p e r, 5c; sm aller b ooklet, l c , 12 fo r 6c TH E O TH ER SIDE O F EVOLUT ION By Alexander Patterson. Shows that evolution is not accepted by all scientists, and that the j theory in question lacks a demonstration. ..................................................................C loth, 60c CHR ISTIAN SCIENCE FROM BIBLE V IEW PO IN T By Florence £. Culver. This splendid small booklet very clearly sets forth in parallel columns the teachings, of Mrs. Eddy and what the Bible teaches about God, the death of Jesus Christ, the resur­ rection, the prayer, marriage and sickness. ......................................... P a p e r, 5c; 12 fo r 50c W HY I AM NO T A CHR ISTIAN SCIENTIST By William Evans. One of the best statements of the reasons why no one should be a Christian Scientist. .................................................................. P a p e r, 15c TH E AN T IDO TE T O CHR ISTIAN SCIENCE By James M. Gray. How to Deal with Christian Science from the Bible and Chris­ tian points of view. .................................................................. C loth, 75c Order from the BIOLA BOOK

CHR ISTIAN SCIENCE IN T H E L IGHT O F HOLY SCR IPTURE By I. M. Haldeman. Mr. Haldeman writes; “I have had anly one object in writing this book: to show that Christian Science is \ wholly outside the Bible and has no right to the name ‘Christian.’” The New York Examiner says : “The proof is absolute ; it is clearly stated ; it is ex­ haustive.” .......................................................... C loth, $1 .2 5 CHR ISTIAN SCIENCE AND D IV INE HEALING By William B. Riley. Shows the fallacy of Christian Science and true teaching of. James S:14, IS, 16. .................................................................. P a p e r, 1Oc M ILLENNIAL DAWNISM By I. M. Haldeman. The blasphemous religion which teaches the annihilation of Jesus Christ is here exposed in a most trenchant way. ................................................................. P a p e r, 10c WHERE ARE T H E D EAD ? By F. E. Marsh. Answer to Russellites and others who believe in soul sleeping. __:..............................................................P a p e r, 6c T H E MORMONS AND TH E IR BIBLE By M. T. Lamb. The object of this book is to give the general public a clearer in­ sight into the puzzling problem of Mor- monism. ..................................................................P a p e r, 25c IN TH E NET By A. B. De Mille. A warning to Protestants concerning convent schools. The attention of uninformed parents should be called to this book. .................................................................. P a p e r, 20c SEVENTH -DAY ADVENTISM RENOUNCED By D. M. Canright. The author of this expose was for twenty-eight years a prominent minister and writer of that faith. .................................... C loth, $ 1 .0 0 ; p a p er, 60c SPIRITUALISM EXPOSED By A. Sims. Scriptural evidence and facts of experience showing thé evil na­ ture and awful tendencies of spiritism. .................................................................. P a p e r, 15c CONCERN ING SPIR ITUAL G IFTS— ESPECIALLY TONGUES By Philip Mauro. The author shows the importance of commending to those who are interested in the Tongues Movement a more excellent way. .................................................................. P a p e r, 10c ROOM, Los Angeles, California

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