King's Business - 1917-04



Signs of th e Times^Continued

TH E GREAT PRO PH EC IE S O F THE CENTURIES CONCERN ING TH E CHURCH By G. H. Pember. Commencing with chapters on the purpose of the church in God’s world-cheme, the author goes on to show that the; Kingdom of the Heavens, which began to be preached by John the Baptist when the Law and the Prophets had been suspended, is the same heavenly kingdom as that which is now our goal. ; About 650 pages. “ ..............................•............................. C loth, $ 2 .5 0 UNFULFILLED PRO PH ECY By C. A. Shipman. Beginning with the first resurrectipn, the writer treats of each promised event in succession,, quoting the Scripture upon which his conclusions are founded. .......N eatly b o u n d in blue cloth, $ 1 .0 0 PLA IN PA PER S ON PRO PH ET IC AND O TH ER SUBJECTS By W. Trotter. Treat of the “heavenly hope,” approaching judgments, the coming crisis and its results, the doom of Christen­ dom, Israel’s restoration, and answers the question: Is the millennium or Christ’s second advent to be expected first? 600 ’■ pages. ' ■ .............................................................C loth, $ 1 .2 5 T H E WONDERS O F PRO PH ECY By John Urquhart. Shows the remark­ able way in which the .Bible predictions concerning the coming, history and work of . Christ, and the unique history of the Jew­ ish people have been fulfilled. ..................................................................C loth, 5 0 c T H E A POCA LY PSE O F JESUS CHR IST By Willis W. Mead. This book was written with a desire to harmonize, in a measure, the conflicting views of, premil- lennarians, with respect to the order of events in “the time of the end,” and is one of the best and most complete, settihg forth in clear outline the events immediately connected with “the appearing of the glory of the greaj: God, even our Saviour Jesus Christ.” . .............................................................C loth, $ 1 .0 0 . TH E UNFOLDING O F TH E AGES By Ford C. Ottman. In this book Dr. Ottman has seemingly used the right key for the understanding of Revelation. We do not find the wild guesses of the historical school, nor any of the fanciful and insane speculations of certain fanatics, but real, sound and spiritual Bible exposition. .............................................................C loth, $ 2 .0 0 ROOM, Los Angeles, California

COLLAPSE O F C IV IL IZATION A masterly^ address on the present war and its consequences. .....................................................................P a p e r, 3 c TH E PATM OS VISION By Geo. W. Davis. This is the latest good book on prophecy to be added to our list. Dr. T. C. Horton, Superintendent of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, in writ­ ing the foreword to this new book, says: “Mr. Davis has succeeded in giving to us a simplified, praptical, and spiritual view of the purpose of God concerning the Jews, the' Gentiles and the Church of God during the age which confronts us. The reader will find here a readable and understand­ able interpretation of the glorious .truths which our Lord gave to the Batmos seer. ' We could earnestly desire that every mem­ ber of the Body of Christ might have the joyful privilege of meditating upon the truths which are here so closely and force­ fully presented.” ........................j.................................. C loth, $1 .2 5 K E ITH ON TH E PRO PH EC IES By Alexander Keith. Evidence of the truth of the Christian religion derived, from the literal fulfillment of prophecy, particu­ larly as illustrated by the history of the Jews and by the discoveries of recent travelers. The author says in his preface: “Those prophecies are not included which were fulfilled prophecy to the era of the last of the prophets, or of1which the mean­ ing is obscure, or the application doubt­ ful.” .................................................................. C loth, 50c LECTURES ON MESSIANIC PRO PH ECY By Mark Lev. These lectures are by a Hebrew Christian, and are preceded by a short account of his conversion. He traces the blessed Christ of God to eternity past, and traverses with Him the long field of Messianic prophecy to eternity future, and holds Him up as the-Alpha and Omega. .....................................C loth, $ 1 .0 0 ; p a p er, 75c ADDRESSES ON PRO PH ECY By C. I. Scofield. A standard work on this subject written by one of the leading Bible scholars of the day. The addresses include God’s purpose in this age; the Church of God; Irael—past, present, and future;- the great tribulation; the millen­ nium, the future state, etc. ............................... .......... C loth, 5 0 c ; p a p e r 25c Order from the BIOLA BOOK

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