(3) in the case of a violation of subdivision 5a or 5b, the county of residence of the person whose identity was obtained or sought. Subd. 7. Aggregation. In any prosecution under subdivision 2, the value of the money or property or services the defendant receives or the number of direct or indirect victims within any six-month period may be aggregated and the defendant charged accordingly in applying the provisions of subdivision 3; provided that when two or more offenses are committed by the same person in two or more counties, the accused may be prosecuted in any county in which one of the offenses was committed for all of the offenses aggregated under this subdivision.
Minnesota Data Breach Notification [Minn. Stat. §§ 325E.61 and 13.055]
Any person or business that maintains data that includes personal information that the person or business does not own must notify the owner or licensee of the information of any breach of the security of the data immediately following discovery, if the personal information was, or is reasonably believed to have been, acquired by an unauthorized person. Definition of Personal Information. For Minnesota residents, personal information includes first name or first initial and last name plus one or more of the following: social security number, driver’s license number or state issued ID card number, account number, credit card number or debit card number combined with any security code, access code, PIN, or password needed to access an account and generally applies to computerized data that includes personal information. It does not include encrypted data. Definition of Breach . Breach of the “security system” means any unauthorized acquisition of computerized data that compromises the security, confidentiality, or integrity of the personal information maintained by the person or business. Content of Notice. There is no specific requirement as to content of the notification.
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