Subd. 6. Security assessments. At least annually, each government entity shall conduct a comprehensive security assessment of any personal information maintained by the government entity. For the purposes of this subdivision, personal information is defined under Minn. Stat. § 325E.61, subdivision 1, paragraphs (e) and (f). Subd. 7. Access to data for audit purposes. Nothing in this section or Minn. Stat. § 13.05, subdivision 5, restricts access to not public data by the legislative auditor or state auditor in the performance of official duties.

Minn. Stat. § 13.0 Minnesota Government Data Practices Act

The Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA) is unique to Minnesota and regulates the collection, creation, storage, maintenance, dissemination, and access to government data in government entities. It establishes a presumption that government data are public and are accessible by the public for both inspection and copying unless there is federal law, a state statute, or a temporary classification of data that provides that certain data are not public. It is similar in purpose to the Federal Freedom of Information Act. In some cases state universities and the non-profit organizations affiliated with such state funded universities are considered instrumentalities of the state and covered under the MGDPA. The full text of the MGDPA appears below. 13.01 GOVERNMENT DATA. Subdivision 1. Applicability. All government entities shall be governed by this chapter. Subd. 2. Citation. This chapter may be cited as the “Minnesota Government Data Practices Act.” Subd. 3. Scope. This chapter regulates the collection, creation, storage, maintenance, dissemination, and access to government data in government entities. It


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