shifted to updating and strengthening these laws. These updates usually involve new reporting requirements, expanding the definition of what is considered personal information, and shortening the time that businesses have to report breaches. State Data Protection and Security Laws As discussed above there are several industry-specific data privacy- related laws at the federal level. Many states have now enacted their own industry-neutral laws which regulate the use, transmission, storage, and dissemination of personal information. Such laws generally contain components regulating the use of social security numbers, notification for breaches of personal information, affirmative obligations to safeguard personal information, and the destruction of records containing personal information. A business must be certain that its requirements and policies regarding the collection, sharing, and use of personal information comply with the laws applicable to where it conducts business. Personal information subject to these state laws and regulations may include a government identification card or license, social security numbers, residential addresses, birthdates, credit worthiness, employment information, personal references, criminal indictments or convictions, civil litigation, or other dispute resolution and regulatory proceedings. State Laws-Social Security Numbers. Many states, including Minnesota, have enacted laws governing the use of social security numbers. Such laws generally prohibit the public posting or displaying of an individual’s social security number, the printing of a social security number on anything sent through the mail, prohibiting the sending of a social security number over the Internet without encryption, and/or using a person’s social security number on any other cards, such as student ID cards. In the event that social security numbers are compromised, the FTC recommends companies provide affected parties with free credit monitoring or identity theft protection.
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