The extent and type of protections given to consumer data should be based on the: 1) sensitivity of the data; 2) nature of the company’s business operations; 3) types of risk the company faces; and 4) reasonable protections available to the company. In February 2017, the FTC issued a report detailing recommendations for companies engaged in cross-device tracking for purposes of behavioral advertising. This report suggests that companies: • be transparent about their data collection and use practices; • provide choice mechanisms that give consumers control over their data; • provide heightened protections for sensitive information, including The FTC has also issued other guidelines and publications relating to privacy and data security that are useful for establishing best practices. Two examples are Protecting Consumer Privacy in an Era of Rapid Change and Self-Regulatory Principles For Behavioral Advertising . Self-Regulation of Behavioral Online Marketing. In addition to the FTC’s efforts to educate businesses, efforts have been made by industry organizations to self-regulate and offer best practices. Guidance can be found from the following organizations for activities and best practices related to online behavioral advertising: American Association of Advertising Agencies Association of National Advertisers Better Business Bureaus -National Programs health, financial, and children’s information; and • maintain reasonable security of collected data.
Interactive Advertising Bureau Mobile Marketing Association
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