(2) a consumer as having requested or obtained specific materials or services from an Internet service provider; (3) Internet or online sites visited by a consumer; or (4) any of the contents of a consumer’s data-storage devices. 325M.02 WHEN DISCLOSURE OF PERSONAL INFORMATION PROHIBITED. Except as provided in Minn. Stat. §§ 325M.03 and 325M.04, an Internet service provider may not knowingly disclose personally identifiable information concerning a consumer of the Internet service provider. 325M.03 WHEN DISCLOSURE OF PERSONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED. An Internet service provider shall disclose personally identifiable information concerning a consumer: (1) pursuant to a grand jury subpoena; (2) to an investigative or law enforcement officer as defined in Minn. Stat. § 626A.01, subdivision 7, while acting as authorized by law; (3) pursuant to a court order in a civil proceeding upon a showing of compelling need for the information that cannot be accommodated by other means; (4) to a court in a civil action for conversion commenced by the Internet service provider or in a civil action to enforce collection of unpaid subscription fees or purchase amounts, and then only to the extent necessary to establish the fact of the subscription delinquency or purchase agreement, and with appropriate safeguards against unauthorized disclosure; (5) to the consumer who is the subject of the information, upon written or electronic request and upon payment of a fee not to exceed the actual cost of retrieving the information; (6) pursuant to subpoena, including an administrative subpoena, issued under authority of a law of this state or another state or the United States; or (7) pursuant to a warrant or court order.


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