(d)“Identity” means any name, number, or data transmission that may be used, alone or in conjunction with any other information, to identify a specific individual or entity, including any of the following: (1) a name, Social Security number, date of birth, official government- issued driver’s license or identification number, government passport number, or employer or taxpayer identification number; (2) unique electronic identification number, address, account number, or routing code; or (3) telecommunication identification information or access device. (e) “Indirect victim” means any person or entity described in Minn. Stat. § 611A.01, paragraph (b), other than a direct victim. (f)“Loss” means value obtained, as defined in Minn. Stat. § 609.52, subdivision 1, clause (3), and expenses incurred by a direct or indirect victim as a result of a violation of this section. (g) “Unlawful activity” means: (1) any felony violation of the laws of this state or any felony violation of a similar law of another state or the United States; and (2) any nonfelony violation of the laws of this state involving theft, theft by swindle, forgery, fraud, or giving false information to a public official, or any nonfelony violation of a similar law of another state or the United States. (h)“Scanning device” means a scanner, reader, or any other electronic device that is used to access, read, scan, obtain, memorize, or store, temporarily or permanently, information encoded on a computer chip or magnetic strip or stripe of a payment card, driver’s license, or state- issued identification card. (i)“Reencoder” means an electronic device that places encoded information from the computer chip or magnetic strip or stripe of a payment card, driver’s license, or state-issued identification card, onto the computer chip or magnetic strip or stripe of a different payment card, driver’s license, or state-issued identification card, or any electronic medium that allows an authorized transaction to occur. (j) “Payment card” means a credit card, charge card, debit card, or any other card that:


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