CE Pre-Prepared Trolley
Working Station Top shelf with fixed box position for 1 pre-box or 2 x 6 l buckets.
Bin-bag holder 70 l bin bag holder to dispose of used mops.
Storage Area Store your pre-prepared mop box or 25 l long bucket.
Support Bar Support bar for optional Dip-N-Go Sieve.
Frame Holders Two mop frame holders, one on each side.
Handle Holders Two stainless steel mop handle holders, one on each side allow- ing fixation of handles.
Art.no. Case TSU Description
Size in cm Packs/case Art.no. Pack BCU Application
CE Pre-Prepared Trolley
65 x 62 x 103
CE Bucket Trolley
Working Station Storage area on rear of trolley fitting 25 l long bucket or 2 x 6 l buckets.
Handle Holders Two stainless steel mop handle holders, one on each side allowing fixation of handles.
Cleanroom Casters Autoclavable. Extremely quiet. Each trolley is equipped with four casters, two with brakes.
Frame Holders One on each side allowing for storage of various sized mops including Roll-O-Matic and DuoMops.
Support Bars Support bar for DuoPress Wringer or Dip-N-Go Sieve and Support Plate.
Colour coded bucket system Single, double, or even triple bucket options. Buckets include Colour coded clips allowing full Colour coding.
3rd bucket extensions See pictures to the left.
Art.no. Case TSU Description
Size in cm Packs/case Art.no. Pack BCU Application
5 5
141926 149105
CE Bucket Trolley 3rd bucket extension
77 x 71 x 95 26 x 55 x 16
1 1
141927 149106
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