2022 Harrell's Coastal Plains and Southeast Resource Guide

Turf Out of Turf Guide

Desirable Turf



5 Xonerate 2SC (9-14 fl oz/A). Make applications on 14-21 day intervals. Consult label for application restrictions.

BERMUDAGRASS Perennial Ryegrass Perennial Ryegrass

5 Atrazine or Simazine (1 qt/acre)

2 Revolver 0.19L (8.8 – 17.4 fl oz/A). Revolver herbicide controls existing annual bluegrass plants and does not control annual bluegrass that has not germinated. Treatments may be applied when removal of ryegrass is desired and bermudagrass has resumed growth to ensure fill in. Higher labeled rates and warmer spring temperatures will result in faster removal. Addition of nitrogen fertilizer in the tank mixture at the time of application may improve turf quality by increasing bermudagrass growth during the transition. 2 Manor 60 WDG (0.25-0.75 oz/acre). A repeat application may be required in 4 to 6 weeks. Addition of Harrell’s Nonionic Penetrant Plus at 0.25% v/v provides maximum performance but may temporarily increase chlorosis of the turf. Some bahiagrass varieties (‘Common,’‘Argentine,’ & ‘Paraguayan’) are not completely susceptible. Do not use beneath desirable trees or ornamentals. Do not apply to turf less than 1 year old.


Bahiagrass Bahiagrass Bahiagrass

1 + 2 Manuscript (19.2 fl oz/A once OR 9.6 fl oz/A twice on 14 day interval) + Agidor (0.5 to 1% v/v) + Monument 75WG (0.35 to 0.53 oz/A)

4 Drive XLR8 (64 fl oz/A) + Harrell’s Methylated Seed Oil (1.5 pt/A)

17 MSMA (2.5 pt/A) + Harrell’s Nonionic Penetrant Plus (0.25% v/v). For golf course application only spot treatments (100 square feet maximum per spot) are allowed. Spot treatment must not exceed 25% of total golf course acreage per year. Not for use in Florida.


4 Drive XLR8 (64 fl oz/A) + Harrell’s Methylated Seed Oil (1.5 pt/A)

Creeping Bentgrass Creeping Bentgrass

5 Atrazine or Simazine (1 qt/acre)

2 Revolver 0.19L (4.4 – 17.4 fl oz/A). Revolver rate and temperature will influence the speed of removal. Higher labeled rates and air temperatures will result in quicker removal. For best results to control mature weeds, make applications when the daily temperature is above 70 degrees. Including Harrell’s Methylated Seed Oil (up to 1% v/v) may improve efficacy while increasing the chance of phytotoxicity under some conditions.

Fine Fescue

5 Atrazine or Simazine (1 qt/acre) 5 Atrazine or Simazine (1 qt/acre)

Kentucky Bluegrass


4 Drive XLR8 (0.9 – 1 fl oz/M) + Harrell’s Methylated Seed Oil (0.55 fl oz/M). Make 2 sequential applications of Drive XLR8 (1.0 fl oz/M) + Harrell’s Methylated Seed Oil (0.55 fl oz/M) followed by an additional sequential application of Drive XLR8 (0.90 fl oz/M) + MSO (0.55 fl oz/M) on 14-day to 21-day intervals. 3 Kerb SC T&O (1.25 – 2.5 pt/A). Apply Kerb to warm season grasses at 50% greenup for ryegrass removal. Avoid spraying on hill sides, fairways, or approaches that may drain onto bentgrass greens or to areas overseeded with sensitive cool season grasses. 2 Monument 75 WG (0.1 to 0.35 oz/A) + Harrell’s Non-Ionic Penetrant Plus (0.25 – 0.5% v/v). The lowest rate allows for a more gradual transition, however the truf may be temporarily discolored. If applied to dormant bermudagrass, some delay in green-up may be observed. A good bermudagrass base should be present before using this product to remove overseeded turfgrass species. 2 Katana (0.5 to 1.5 oz/A) + Harrell’s Nonionic Penetrant Plus (0.25% v/v). Applications for spring transition do not negatively impact bermudagrass greenup. Katana herbicide shows a slight rate response with control occurring within 3-4 weeks after application with the highest labeled rate giving better and faster control. Therefore, the bermudagrass or zoysiagrass turf needs to be at 50 to 60% greenup at the time of application for optimal maintenance of a green turf situation.

Perennial Ryegrass

Perennial Ryegrass

Perennial Ryegrass

Perennial Ryegrass

B/2 Tribute Total (1 oz/A) + Harrell’s Nonionic Penetrant Plus (1 qt/100 gal).

The label for each product presented here should be consulted for Directions for Use and Rates of Application prior to use.

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