2022 Harrell's Coastal Plains and Southeast Resource Guide

update Green Solutions

Fairy Ring Management // Overview

Fairy ring is one of the more difficult turf diseases to control. It is caused by any one of 60 or more soil-borne basidiomycete fungi. Fairy ring fungi do not directly attack plants, but instead cause problems by stimulating turf and/or causing hydrophobic soils that lead to localized dry spot (Figures 1 & 2). Fairy ring fungi use lignin in thatch and organic matter as a food source. All turfgrass species regardless of mowing height and location can be affected by fairy ring. Greens are particularly vulnerable to fairy ring given their low mowing height and sand-based root zone. // Best Management Practices Cultural Practices // Core aerify, vertical mow and sand top-dress frequently to reduce thatch and organic matter // Added fertility and water may minimize symptoms Spray Volume and Watering-In // Apply products using at least 2 gallons of water volume per 1,000 square feet with flat fan nozzles // Whenever possible, determine where fairy ring mycelium is active in the root zone profile // Water-in applications with 1/8 to 1/4 inch of irrigation if fairy ring is in the thatch or upper mat // Water-in applications with >1/4 inch of irrigation if fairy ring is in the lower mat or root zone // Additional water is needed if the fairy ring is deeper in the soil Use of Wetting Agents // A wetting agent program should be used throughout the growing season as a standard practice // When hydrophobic soil conditions are caused by fairy ring mycelium; wetting agents should be used in a seasonal program to reduce disease symptoms Left untreated, fairy ring can spread and kill large areas on putting greens. (Bayer)

// Tank-mixing of wetting agents with Bayleton ® FLO, Tartan ® Stressgard ® or Mirage ® Stressgard ® is not recommended; apply wetting agents separately from these fungicides // Wetting agents can be tank-mixed with Prostar ® 70WG Preventive Application Timing When Using PGRs // Apply plant growth regulators (PGRs) separately and at least one week before or after DMI applications Reapplication of Fungicides // Under extreme weather conditions, such as extended heavy rains, an additional application of fungicide may be needed, but adhere to label limitations on annual use // P lease contact your local Bayer Area Sales Manager for recommendations for modifying the program under extreme conditions

Same green from the picture above taken one year later after preven- tative applications of fungicide were made in the spring. (Bayer)

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