2022 Harrell's Coastal Plains and Southeast Resource Guide

Managing Large Patch in Spring Large patch is an opportunistic disease that attacks slowly growing warm-season turfgrass during spring and fall. Although all warm-season turfgrasses are susceptible, zoysiagrass and St. Augustinegrass are considered to be the most affected. Now is the time to implement effective management strategies to combat large patch this spring.

Spring Management Considerations

• Complete control of large patch requires two fungicide applications during fall and at least one application in spring. • In Spring, apply a fungicide treatment when the turf is breaking winter dormancy (no later than 50% green-up). • Research from the University of Missouri suggests that spring applied nitrogen-based fertilizers will not enhance large patch severity and may help promote regrowth and recovery from large patch damage.

Large patch on zoysiagrass fairway turf.

Bayer Solutions Mirage® Stressgard® and Densicor® are two DMI chemistries that are highly effective against large patch. Both of these fungicides are xylem mobile and can arrest infection even after it starts, making these solutions excellent options for stopping active large patch epidemics in its tracks.

Large Patch Solutions


Product & Use Rate per 1,000 sq ft

1 st App (Fall) 72-75°F soil temp

Densicor 0.196 fl oz or Mirage Stressgard 1 fl oz

2 nd App (Fall) 28 days later

Densicor 0.196 fl oz or Mirage Stressgard 1 fl oz

3 rd App (Spring) 50% turf green-up

Densicor 0.196 fl oz or Mirage Stressgard 1 fl oz

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