2022 Harrell's Coastal Plains and Southeast Resource Guide

Stimulate & Support SOIL HEALTH


Soil Enhancer Harrell’s MAX® Soil Enhancer contains nonplant food ingredients which include simple sugars and kelp extract for use as a food source for soil microbes. Harrell’s MAX® Soil Enhancer can be injected through irrigation systems and/or tank mixed for spray applications. The use of Harrell’s Soil Enhancer Plus promotes a root-zone environment for healthier turf: • Promotes plant-available nutrition for more consistent turf • Higher CEC • promotes stress tolerance. The combination of Soil Enhancer and EarthMAX® Organic ignites soil biology and aids in overall soil health. Soil Enhancer provides a readily available substrate used as a food source for soil microbiology, while EarthMAX® Organic contains additional beneficial substances including the soil health component Humic acid.

EarthMAX® Organic Harrell’s EarthMAX® Organic promotes turf vitality, under environmental stress by adding carbon and humic acid to your soil structure and help develop fertile soil solutions. EarthMAX® Organic contains naturally occurring biological populations found in humus that colonize root systems and may improve nutrient uptake. • Contains humic substances • High carbon content

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