2022 Harrell's Coastal Plains and Southeast Resource Guide

Pellets Harrell ’ sHydro MAX

Pick Your Pellet

Features and Benefits - Enhances moisture distribution and reduce hot spots - Promotes uniform soil moisture distribution

- Reduces soil water repellency - Optimized pellet formulations

CP Pellets CP Pellets are formulated with HarrellsMAX® Cal Plus to distribute water uniformly throughout the profile in soils with excessive salt, carbonate, or bicarbonate levels. CP Pellets provide consistent results for 7-14 days, depending on weather and soil conditions.

RootMAX TM Pellets RootMAX Pellets are formulated with Harrell’s Bio-MAX® Seaweed Extract to distribute water uniformly throughout the soil profile. RootMAX is ideal for treatment of dry, stressed turf. RootMAX TM Pellets provide consistent results for 7-14 days, depending on weather and soil conditions.

Hydro-Cure® Pellets and SuperMAX Pellet Hydro-Cure® Pellets and SuperMAX Pellet are formulated to distribute water uniformly throughout the soil profile. Hydro-Cure® is ideal for the treatment of LDS conditions and soil water repellency. Hydro-Cure® Pellets and SuperMAX Pellet provide consistent results for 7-14 days, depending on weather and soil conditions.

Available in traditional pellet size for hand watering and in a SuperMAX pellet size for use directly through irrigation systems.

DIRECTIONS FOR USE - Apply with a pellet applicator when hand watering and syringing - Pellets typically dissolve within one hour at water pressures of 90 to 120 PSI. The rate at which a pellet dissolves is determined by water quality, temperature, pressure, and flow rate. - Soak hard-to-wet areas, annual planting, landscaping planting, quickly drying mounds, newly sodded areas, and highly compacted areas. - Store in a cool, dry area where temperatures do not exceed 75°F to prevent softening or melting. Refrigerate or freeze prior to use for easier removal of pellet from canister.

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