King's Business - 1922-03

THE K I N G ’ S B US I NE S S earth shall, be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. It is not a little reformation that the world wants, a little rearranging of things, a little mending of manners and washing with rose water, a' little im­ provement in dwellings, wider streets, more parks and picture galleries. Men may have all of these and laugh to scorn the need of anything better. The world needs Jesus reigning in power. You can bring Him— you can hasten the day of His coming. Make the church you are in, a witnessing church; quit fooling with the world and with world systems, and mind God. See to it that you are a witnessing Christian and that your time and your money both go to tell the old story of Jesus who died that we might live. This is God’s program for the church until the King comes back. jte a » LINCOLN’S FIRST SPEECH February, the month of Lincoln’s birthday, is sure to recall many stories - of the great patriot. Here is one con­ cerning his first speech: Some of his friends thought he would be a good candidate for the legislature and so they had him placed in nomina­ tion. He came from his home to the country town where he was to meet his opponent. As he came near the place he parsed the house where his antago­ nist lived. He saw rising from the roof of the dwelling a thin spire of iron, and said: “ What’s that?” “ Oh,” said his friend, “ that’s a light­ ning-rod,” and he explained what it was for. It was the first Mr. Lincoln had even seen and he thought over it a great deal before his turn came to speak. His opponent was the first to occupy the platform, and he addressed the au­ dience by saying that he hoped they would not throw him over for this un­ known man whose life they didn’t know and with whom they were not acquaint­ ed, who had come up here from the wilderness.


Mr. Lincoln arose and said; “Friends, you don’t know very much about me! I haven’t had all the advantages that some of you have had, but if you did know everything about me that you might know, you would be sure there was nothing in my character that made it necessary to put on my house a light­ ning-rod to save me from the just ven­ geance of Almighty God.” GIGANTIC DISASTER Without doubt the famine in Russia is the most gigantic disaster that has occurred in the world since the flood, yet the world moves on in almost total disregard of what is happening, while many talk of the dawning millennium. Mrs. Philip Snowden, a member of the labor delegation to Russia, recently said: “ During the last great famine and the cholera epidemic which suc­ ceeded it, we thought we were seeing Russia staggering under the most shocking disaster that had ever fallen upon man. But unfortunately the worst is not yet. The Demon of Fam­ ine is invariably accompanied by his terrible brother, the Demon of Disease. After years of war and months of semi­ starvation, the life-force of the popu­ lace is now at its lowest ebb, and al­ ready epidemics of cholera, dysentery, and plague have carried off thousands. The early winter rains may bring typhus in their wake; if they do, I am in­ formed that we may expect to hear that between now and Christmas famine and pestilence are claiming a shocking daily total of 30,000 souls.” n PRAYER MOTIVES A man complained to his pastor, that he had prayed a whole year for the comforts of religion, but had received no answer. His minister replied, “ Go home and pray, ‘Father, be glorified through my life.’ ”

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