King's Business - 1922-03

jjjB BIBLE INSTITUTE HAPPENINGS Particularly o f Interest to Friends and Students


with regard to. the approaching future, I lay hold of the opportunities to witness for, and to serve Him in my daily sphere of living. He has graciously been using me in evangelizing, by the distribution of religious tracts in many homes as well as some of the principal dance halls here at Long Beach, for which I praise Him.” Mrs. Chester A. Riggan, *21 (nee Violet Steenbarger), writes from Indianapolis as follows: “In September the Lord opened the door for me to teach the Bible, and sewing, at the Indiana Girls’ School, a re­ form school for girls. I have two Bible classes a day, four days a week. I am giving them some of the fundamental teachings of the Bible, and the girls are very much interested. The field is a rather hard one, but the Lord has per­ mitted me to see some results already, and I am expecting great things for the fu­ ture. The rest of the day I teach sewing, which gives me the opportunity of learn- ! ing to know and understand the girls bet­ ter. The work is interesting, and I am happy in it, believing that it is just the place the Lord wants me to fill at present.” Mr. H. B. Thomas, ’18, writes from San Anselmo, Calif.: “I suppose that by this time many of you are aware of the fact that Brothers Skeels and Brillhart held a meeting in my church in Rodeo in No­ vember, and they had very good results. We not only had a revival in bringing new ones to Christ, but we had a back door revival as well, in getting delinquent and non-Christians from our church rolls, and I feel that as a church we are really getting on praying terms with the Lord. Pray for us that we may do His will and lead many, not to join the church, but give their hearts to the Lord.” Rev. A. C. Gabrielsen, ’16, writes from Bergen, Norway, a city of 90,000 inhab­ itants, where he and another evangelist have been laboring for the last eighteen or nineteen months. As an outgrowth of the work a church of 500 members has been organized. Mr. and Mrs. Gharles Osborn, ’20, write of their work at Kakaako Mission, Hono­ lulu, as follows: “During the month of July we had daily vacation Bible School with average attendance of 107 each day. The attendance was representative of all

STUDENTS— Kindly communicate with Miss Elfreda Stein, B. I., the compiler of these notes. H CLASS of twenty-four young Lilian L. Brown, Douglas M. Cameron, Eva Doerksen, B. Ross Evans, Marion Christine Frandsen, Victor, D. Graham, C. N. Hiebert, Gretchen Ruth Kemp, R. A. Mitchell; Robert L. Nielsen, Mrs. Minnie B. Nielsen, Alma J. Olson, Haydn Parry, Grace Madeline Pike, Agnes M. Ramsdale, David H. Ratzlaff, Olga V. Risell, Elvira H. Rodman, Hattie Olga Shaffer, H. Ross Shaffer, Henry F. S-tobbe, Ruth Umstead, I. R. Wall, Lewis A. Wickens. The students of the Institute were given an unusual treat from January 4th to 20th in the lectures of the great archaeologist, Dr. M. G. Kyle, of Xenia Theological Semi­ nary, St. Louis. Dr. Kyle’s messages throw much light upon Old Testament times and customs and help to confirm faith in the inerrancy of the Word of God. Announcement is received of the mar­ riage of Mr. Albert E. Cook, ’20, to Miss Ethel Agnes Van Fleet, on Wednesday, December 28, 1921, at Hillsdale, Mich. Mrs. Cook is a graduate of Hillsdale College, 1920, and taught in the high school at Coldwater, Mich. D. V. Methvin, a former student, is act­ ing as pastor of six United Brethren churches in Virginia and West Virginia. Friends of M]r. and Mrs. Stanley Bailes will learn with sorrow of the death of their little daughter whom the Lord took to Himself on Thanksgiving Day. Mr. Bailes is now pastor of Grace Presby­ terian Church, Los Angeles. Miss Mina Septer, ’20, has been accepted by the Bolivian Indian Mission and hopes to go out to the field with Dr. Burroughs, who is returning the last of February. Miss Erica Bolmgren, ’20, writes: “Most of the time since my graduation I .have been engaged in secular work, my plans having been to resume studies last au­ tumn, which plans,, however, were seem­ ingly not in perfect harmony with the Lord’s. So, the while I labor and await the time for tjje Lord’s further leading

men and women was graduated from the Bible Institute on Fri­ day, December 23, 1921. Those receiving diplomas at this time were: Mrs.

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