King's Business - 1922-03


THE K I N G ' S BUS I NE S S Tuesday evening class taught by Dr. Lyon is loyal in spiritual service and support. Miss M. W. Rouzee has charge of the Thursday afternoon class, which is largely attended and greatly appre­ ciated. The Etri Club The “ Etri Club’’ for young women, under the able leadership of Miss Myr­ tle Scott, one of the Bible Women from the Institute, is growing in attendance and enthusiasm every week. It is held Thursday evening, lunch being served to the members from six to seven o’clock, followed by a Bible study and program from seven to eight o’clock. A number of young women have ac­ cepted the Lord in these services. The Noon Hour Prayer Service is very attractive and helpful to the many who come in for cheer, spiritual help and counsel. People are being saved, the saints are being built up in the faith, and many in deep trouble of every kind come to “ Biola Club” to find help and cheer. Much of the time of the work­ ers is devoted to this feature of the work, Mrs. Lyon looking after the wom­ en and girls, and Dr. Lyon interview­ ing the men. The work is touching the lives of many tourists from many States of the Union who visit Pasadena for various periods of time. They are being heard from frequently, telling of help re­ ceived and often expressing a desire that a like work might be undertaken in their home cities. m BIBLE WOMEN’S WORK BIBLE] WOMEN, Mrs, Lyman Stewart, Superintendent, In this department, fifteen splendid women, assisted by ten volunteer workers, are giving their whole time to the work of teaching Bible classes and house-to-house visitation in different sections of the city and surrounding towns. Included in this department also, is the work of the Euodia Club, an organization of Bible Classes among the girls of High School age. HE was a high-strung, viva­ cious young girl, pretty and at­ tractive in every way, and she came to the Girls’ Club quite regularly, but sometimes when she was absent the Bible woman gave a sigh in which she hardly knew whether regret or relief predominated, for she was a leader among the girls, and her influence was neither for reverence nor

spirituality. Even prayer seemed not to reach her. But God has His own ways of working, and one evening the question of the dance was introduced. The Bible woman procured a copy of “ The Lure of the Dance” and circulated it among the girls, eventually handing it to this particular girl. The next week she returned the book, but seemed in even a more hilarious mood than ever. For months thereafter she failed to ap­ pear at the Club, and although wanting to look her up, the Bible woman felt a strange leading to simply wait. At least six months later she approached the Bible woman after the Sunday School class into which she had suddenly come, and putting her arm around her, whis­ pered, “ I’ve given up dancing; I thought you would be glad to know.” She is still a leader among the girls, but now her face is grave as she pores over her Bible— in fact she has surrendered her life to the Lord Jesus Christ. God did the work while the Bible woman waited and prayed. Wouldn’t Speak to Each Other “ There are two women here who do not speak to each other.” The face oi the young woman was sad as she drew the Bible woman aside one afternoon after class. One of them was a Chris­ tian, the other was not. The Christian woman had made advances and had been repulsed. “What shall we do?” “ We’ll pray about it.” So we prayed. Just at this time the Christian woman became unable to attend the class, and one aft­ ernoon when the unsaved woman was present the Bible woman was asked to speak to her, if possible. God planned their meeting in the middle of the room, alone, and the woman said, “ That was a wonderful lesson you gave today.” “ Have you made the Saviour your own?” The woman looked frightened as she said she could not do it today, and for several minutes she continued to repeat that one statement, “Not to­ day.” Then, as though breaking through the restraining grip of some terrible power, she threw both arms around the neck of the Bible woman and sobbed, “ I will. Pray for me.” She was a wo­ man advanced in years, and had no help at home, her attendance was rather ir­ regular at the class, and it was some months before the two women met again. This time she was the first to offer her hand to the one she had hitherto Ignored. “ By their fruits ye shall know them.”

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