King's Business - 1922-03



for Jesus Christ. There came to her one day an idea which, put into execu­ tion, opened the way so wonderfully that a day never passes but she has her opportunity. The passer-by is attracted by what at first looks to be a scattered growth in her yard of the old fashioned plant commonly known as “ Hen and Chick­ ens,” but soon discovers they really form letters, and what is more, a Bible text. The parking strip has the refer­ ence John 3:16. In the yard is the text in full. As often as the Lord leads and gives a new text the plants are taken up and replanted. This woman, busy with her household duties, watches for her opportunity and goes out, enters into conversation, and gives out a tract entitled, “ John 3:16.” Many children pass by to and from school, and manifest a keen interest and also often stop to talk and ask questions. A word to the timid who would like to tell others of the Saviour they love: Go and do likewise. - a?.> m HALF CHRISTIANS There are many who realize that full surrender to Christ means more of suffer­ ing than they are ready to endure. They do not wish to listen to Christ’s call to duty, because the performance of that duty wili involve loss, not only of cherished purposes, but also of the world’s good opinion. They bear the. name of Chris­ tians; in many instances ' they share the joys of Christians, to a degree. But they do not know the joys of those who are being made perfect through suffering. Neither do they retain the good opinion of the world, for, while the world hates the name of Christ, it despises the man who is a half-Christian. The world likes earnestness and wholeheartedness; and earnest service commands the world’s re­ spect, even when observed in the life of a Christian. Of course opposition will in­ crease as earnestness increases, but the world’s respect is more surely won by the strenuous life of a Paul than by the fear and suffering that today are holding back many from occupying their true places in the Church’s activities.—Faris.

Putting Others To Work Part of the Bible Women’s work con­ sists in the urging of the Bible Class members to go out to do definite and aggressive work for the Lord, and it brings great joy to know of the prac­ tical application illustrated in the fol­ lowing story of one of the members: This lady spent the summer in one of the neighboring beach towns. With a handbag filled with a well assorted collection of tracts which were calcu­ lated to meet the various isms of the day, she would take up her position on one of the settees along the ocean front. During the course of the sum­ mer she dealt with scores of women who would sit down beside her and engage in conversation. One of these experiences was particularly interest­ ing and blessed. A lady sitting at her side began to comment on the beauty of the ocean and the sky, mentioning that “ God” was back of it all. But a few well recognized phrases dropped from her lips which led the worker to under­ stand that she had been studying Christian Science and that her “ God” was only an impersonal force. “ But,” said the worker, “ He is a personal God!” This led to a prolonged con­ versation during which the Christian Scientist said, “Well, you certainly know your Bible.” Just then a gentle­ man stepped up and said, “Well, we must be going now.” The little Chris­ tian Science woman looked up and said, “Why, I’ve found a lady who knows all about the Bible.” “Well, Praise the Lord!” was the unexpected answer of her husband, and then the story was told of an earnest Christian man terribly grieved because his wife had gone away from her Bible to this un- scriptural cult. To make a wonderful and long story short, after losing sight of the Scientist for weeks, the worker and this husband and wife came face to face in an even­ ing meeting in a Gospel Mission. All the Christian Science was gone and the love of a personal Saviour shone in her face. A New Year’s letter to the worker is just filled full of the joy of the Lord and is in itself a fitting reward to the dear worker with which to start a New Year of service for her Master. A Unique Way of Preaching the Gospel . On a certain street in Los Angeles lives a woman who wanted to witness


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