King's Business - 1922-03



nations who often made war against God’s people, so Asa had a big army of trained soldiers who were brave men. Then one day one o f these nations came to make war against the good King Asa and his people, with an army much greater than King Asa’s army. Now let us see what this king did when this great army came upon him and his peo­ ple. He cried unto God, and said He (God) could help him whether he had few soldiers or many. “ Help us, O Lord, our God, for we rely on Thee.” This last part is our memory verse, and God wants each one of us to trust Him to­ day just as King Asa trusted Him. O, how it pleases the Lord when His peo­ ple here on earth love Him and trust Him, and Him in prayer. He wants us to ask Him to help us when­ ever we need Him, and O, how pleased He is when we remember to thank Him for all the good things He sends to us all the time. We remember how He tells us He cares even for the birds, and we are of far greater value than the birds. He wants us to love and serve Him, and then when our work down here on earth is finished, He wants us to live with Him forever up in heaven. I. Asa the good King. Ys. 1-8. Ex­ plain the work of Asa as contained in these verses. DRAW Asa and his men destroying the images. II. Asa depends upon God. 9-11. Ex­ plain, drawing Asa praying. “ Asa goes to the right source for help.” BLACKBOARD SKETCHES Em Hansell

ways seem so happy, and often we hear them singing as they sit on a bush or a tree near our home. Xwonder if any of you ever watched the mother bird feed the tiny little birdies in the nest? How wide they open their mouths, and they never seem in the least afraid that' the mother bird will feed them some­ thing that will hurt them, for they know she loves them and goes out and hunts the food for her babies. How do you suppose the mother birds know just how to build the nice nest, and to take such good care of the little birdies? Yes, God teaches them, and do you know, the Bible tells us how God watches over even the birds, and that not one is killed and falls to the ground without the Heavenly Father seeing it fall. What a wonderful God we have, and if He cares for the birds, how much more He cares for us, for we have a soul to be saved. Prayer. Lesson Story.— Who went on an er­ rand for God in our story last week? A man by the name of Amos. What did God ask Amos to do? To go to some of his people who were doing wrong, and warn them to turn away from the idols whom they were worshipping, and come back to worship Him (God). It was not an easy thing for Amos to do, but he was faithful and warned the people. Now in our story today there is a new king reigning over some of God’s people, and this king loves God, and he destroys the idols' and the idol altars and leads the people back to wor­ ship God. This king’s name was Asa, and he did what was right and pleased the Lord. There were always heathen

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