King's Business - 1922-03



apostolic injunctions for the approxima­ tion of this ideal. As a man yields hm will to the Divine will, the work is car­ ried on. He is the Potter, we are the clay. We shall be satisfied when we awake with His likeness. Saturday, March 25. Hebrews 12:7-13. Getting Straightened Out. When a certain railroad was built, the engineer was paid for his work by the mile. He put into the roadbed, therefore, a great many needless curves. As a result the speed of the trains was reduced, the rolling stock deteriorated and the liability to accident increased. After some years, at an immense cost, these curves were eliminated. There are social, domestic, commercial and religious curves in life that increase liability to temptation, retard progress toward righteousness, and have a se­ rious wear and tear on character. On some of our highways we see an occa­ sional sign: “ Dangerous curve ahead.” Disregard spells disaster. There is but one competent, reliable engineer in the spiritual realm. The Lord Jesus Christ can straighten any curve that a man has allowed to come into his life and He is the only One who can. He never declines a contract, and best of all, He carries the work to an im­ mediate and victorious conclusion. Sunday, March 26. Luke 9:28-36. Under the Cloud The cloud was unwelcome because it shut out the glory. When Peter suggested that they build three taber­ nacles and stay on the mount, it was time for the glory to be withdrawn. While he was speaking, the cloud Came and overshadowed them. It was nat­ ural that they should be afraid. A cloud always has an element of mys­ tery. It was a new experience and they knew not what to expect. Just then the voice was heard, “ This is my beloved Son, hear Him.” The voice turned their thoughts from themselves to Christ. It bespoke the confidence of heaven in the One who had been trans­ figured before them. In their alarm, it pointed to the only One who could re-assure and strengthen them. We love the sunshine but God works often in the shadows. Jesus is coming in the clouds. Clouds and darkness are round about Him. Clouds may come to u s , also to shake our self-confidence, to bring our helplessness to view.and to save us from a self-satisfied abode upon

some mountain top, when the plain be­ low is calling us to service. Monday, March 27. 2 Chron. 14:1-8. A Good King Judah was more fortunate than Is­ rael in the kings that ruled her. Some good kings are mixed with the bad ones. In Israel they were all bad. Rehoboam’s reign of seventeen years was partly good and partly bad. Abi- jah reigned only three years, and while he is said to have walked in the sins of his father, yet with the help of the Lord, i whom he acknowledged when about to engage in battle, he won some notable victories. His son, Asa, was a God-fearing and pious king. He brought about important reforms in the nation and strengthened the kingdom by build­ ing strong defenses. His own godly life was the greatest national strong­ hold. He taught the people to observe all the Divine ordinances they had neg­ lected. He sought first of all to please God rather than his courtiers or him­ self. After destroying idolatry he re­ vived religious worship by his personal example and his royal authority. Be­ cause he honored God he was honored by God. Tuesday, March 28. 2 Chron. 14:9-13. Trusting God in Time of War Asa’s prayer, invoking Divine assists ance, is a model of propriety and brev­ ity. Although he was greatly out­ numbered, he did not believe with Napoleon at a later day, that God is always on the side of the heaviest bat­ talions. “ Lord, it is nothing with Thee to help, whether with many or with them that have no power. Help us, O Lord our God, for we rest on Thee, and in Thy name we go against this multitude.” A prayer of this sort is worth more than heavy ordnance and many reinforcements. The defeat of Zerah is unique in Jewish history. On no other occasion did they meet and conquer the armies of either of the two great monarchies between which they were placed. This complete and glo­ rious victory over the entire forces of Egypt lasted for three hundred years. God gives victory to those who trust Him and at the same time make prop­ er preparation for battle. Wednesday, March 29. 2 Chron. 15: 1 - 12 . Trusting God in Time of Peace It is really harder to trust God in time of peace than in time of war. In the latter case the danger is great,

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