of knowledge finds to be .mistaken. If some of the inflated modern heads were pricked with a pin, it would relieve the' pressure considerably. We note display advertisement of high-toned store. “ Ladies’ and gentle men’s fancy cigarette cases, 30 styles, $3.00 to $13.50.” It will be a great help to business generally, now that the ladies (women) have taken up the use of coffin nails. Dr. Kellogg, Battle Creek, says, “ Between the ages of 20 and 24, 300 men die to every 100 wom en, and 20 years later, four times as many men as women die from diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The use of tobacco by men is a large factor in causing the difference.” Some wom en are now determined to be on an equal footing with the men.. A certain big university in the middle west, from which floods of literature containing faith-wrecking teachings emanate, publishes the statement that “ in Los Angeles there is a big Bible Institute largely financed by an oil magnate who is propagating Premil- lennialism.” Seems as though we heard somewhere that there was an other oil magnate whose money largely supported this very university which spreads its higher criticism throughout the world. If there are oil magnates who love the Word of God and use their money to spread the Gospel news, there are numbers of people who will rejoice in the fact. More and more we marvel at the business foresight that was. displayed by Mrs. Eddy. One of her by-laws reads: “ A member of this chur.ch shall not patronize a publishing house or bookstore that has for sale obnoxious books.” Christian Scientists claim to be broad and liberal, yet they are com pletely hedged in by “ Mother” Eddy’s dictates, and not permitted either to converse about or read about anything that contradicts Mrs. Eddy’s views. Popular Congregational pastor at Springfield, Mass., gives out a state ment to the papers showing "how he in creased his membership from 300 to
not harshly against the er lest thou offend some official board. 3
secret of health,”
writes a doctor, “ is eating onions.” Some of the clergymen would like to know how to keep it secret. Study the divorce situation and you will readily agree that love at first sight ends with divorce at first slight. Newspaper records the prank of some smart boy who took the sign from a wood-worker’s shop and hung it on the village church. The sign read, “ All kinds of twisting and turning done here.” The “ babes and sucklings” some times have more sense than they are credited with. Everything moving merrily on. Some rich people have had a $ 10 0,000 supper for their Fidos. Some of the precious poodles wore boots that cost $ 10 0 . Children crying for bread a few blocks away. A New Jersey church recently pre sented its pastor with a cemetery lot. We wouldn’t question their motives in the least, but if a church gave us a burying plot, we would go and make arrangements with the undertaker right away. J. S. McCoy, a government statisti cian, figures that if Methuselah, when he was 21 years old, had invested $ 1.00 at six per cent, compounded annually, he would have been worth $977,157,900,000,000,000,000,000 when he died at the age of 969. He says the interest would have paid all war debts from that day to this. This is very consoling. The world will be greatly blessed by having these facts at hand. Presbyterians everywhere heave big sighs of relief. Their share of the In terchurch debt has been paid off. Good bye to $583,365.77. Dr. Rashdall, great British clergy man, says that modern thinkers find that Jesus shared some of the ideas of His countrymen about matters of science and history, which the progress
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