King's Business - 1922-03

THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NE S S Helpful Tracts HOW CAN I KNOW THAT I AM LED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT? By Dr. R. A. Torrey A splendid short treatise on guidance that should be read by every Christian. Price 2c each; 20c per dozen. HE KNOWS— HE LOVES— HE CARES A very^ comforting message. Splendid for enclosing in letters. Is always appreciated. 8c per dozen; 50c per 100 GOD USES THINGS THAT ARE BROKEN A comforting message for those whose lives, up to this time, seem to have possibly been in vain. Price 2c each; 20c per dozen; $1.50 per 100 FAITH By George Muller This gives a little insight into the life of this wonderful man of God. Mr. Muller exer­ cised what faith he had and it developed until he trusted God for ALL things. 8c per dozen; 50c per 100 ANSWERED PRAYER One of the best tracts on prayer that we publish. Fine for distribution among church members; 50c per 100 COMMUNION A very unusual . tract on prayer that em­ phasizes the blessing that comes from >our will being in perfect harmony with His will, and then our asking and receiving accordingly. Price 8c per dozen; 50c per 100 CONVERSATIONS WITH CHRIST By B. McCall Barbour The author says, “ A quiet unhurried speak­ ing with Christ alone and hearing His replies, that is what every Christian needs every day.” A splendid tract for you, and your friends. Price 10c per doz.; 75c per 100 DIVINE POSSIBILITIES By H. G. Moule \ Shows that a life of daily victory is possi­ ble for every believer if he will stand upon the promises of God. ' 8c per dozen; 50c per 100 If books are to be sent by mail add 10% for postage, unless otherwise specified. Unless cash accompanies order all goods will be sent C. O. D. BIOLA BOOK ROOM Los Angeles, Calif.

307 means, that you may always have quite enough for every emergency of your own, and ample besides for . . . others.” (2 Cor. 9:8. Moffat.) Watkin R. Roberts. P.0. Box 424, Calcutta.


The leaves of a plant are spirally ar­ ranged in the same way that the plan­ ets of the solar system revolve around the sun. Agassiz has clearly shown that the same numerical relation holds good in phyllotaxis as in astronomy. The number of turns made on the stem, and the number of leaves passed be­ fore reaching the leaf directly above the one from which we started, form a regularly ascending series, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 , 13, etc., of which any two added together will make the third. So like­ wise, the planets, from Neptune to Vul­ can, revolve around the sun, and com­ plete their orbit in periods which ex­ hibit precisely the same succession of numbers, a series of threes. This won­ derful similarity and simplicity of ar­ rangement surely proves that the same hand adjusted the leaves of the herb of the field which set in motion the stars of heaven; that the order of the whole system is repeated in the smallest of its contents. Indeed, we may regard a plant with its leaves, from this point of view, as a miniature solar system, and the solar system as a gigantic plant. The leaves of the one answer to the planets of the other£ and as the leaves of a plant come closer and closer together, until at last they cul­ minate in the radiance of the ¡lower, so the planets of the solar system come closer and closer together, until at last they blossom, as it were, in the splendor of the sun. The fact is that the universe is but a vast expansion of the atom.— H. MacMillan.

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