King's Business - 1922-03


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BioU Book Room

was upon the hearts of the apostles. We are glad the Doran Company have issued' this book. Every Christian should have it. (Price, $1.25.) The Gift of Tongues Dr. Alexander Mackie gives, in this new book published by Doran, a search­ ing analysis of the Biblical account of the gift of tongues. Thinking Christ­ ians who wish a rational discussion of this question, will welcome the con­ clusions of this writer. (Price, $2.00.) Alexander’s Hymns No. 4 This new hymn book was in process of compilation when Charles M. Alex­ ander was called home. It has been completed by Edwin H. Bookmyer, for years Mr. Alexander’s assistant, and put on the market by the Sterling Music Co. It contains 260 songs, 85 of which have never before been published. The book will be found excellent for every department of church work. (Price, 35 cents.) Why I am a «Christian Six addresses by Dr. A. C. Dixon, published by the Bible institute of' Los Angeles. The addresses were originally given to free thinkers in Chicago. It is just the thing to put into the hands of thoughtful people who want to know why we are Christians. (Price, 50 cents.) Why, When, Wherefore Here is one of the best tools for per­ sonal workers that has been invented in a long time. It is a tiny book bound in imitation leather cover, containing Scripture especially applicable to un­ saved persons. It is so arranged as to answer practically all of the objections ordinarily made by the unsaved. Many have been accustomed to give “ Gospels of John” or cheap Testaments, but these necessarily contain much that cannot be understood by the unregen­ erate. Here is a very attractive little book for soul-winners to carry, which they may take pleasure in presenting to one, and the cost of which ^is but 25 cents per dozen. Vest pocket size, durably bound, a very handy thing. Biola Book Room.

Parish Evangelism In this book published by Revell, Frederick L. Fagley lays down some sensible and workable plans for evan­ gelistic endeavor in the parish church. They will make for the deepening of the spiritual life of the church, and pastors will find this book helpful. (Price $ 1 . 00 ). Non-Sense of Christian Science Dr. Albert C. Wyckoff, whose articles on the above subject have appeared in the “ Biblical Review” has now had the series combined in a book put out by Revell. It is the most deadly attack on Christian Science we have ever seen. Not only does he give a searching analy­ sis of the errors of Mrs. Eddy’s teach­ ing, but he gives the most conclusive evidence as to where Mrs. Eddy got her teachings and at more than one point proves her to be the fakir of fakirs. His attacks are based on accurate in­ formation, and those who want some­ thing unanswerable will find nothing better than this volume. (Price, $1.75). The Junior Church in Action Doran Co. have just put on the mar­ ket this practical book by Rev. Weldon F. Crossland. Those who are thinking of organizing a Junior Church will find here the information they need to in­ stitute and carry on such a work. The author speaks from a long and success­ ful experience. (Price, $1.50.) Ice Breakers This is a book put out by the Woman’s Press and compiled by Edna Geister. The author gives a good col­ lection of plans for conducting social affairs along wholesome lines. Those who need ideas for entertaining, will find this a mine of suggestion. (Price 1.35). Heralds of a Passion This is not the first book along the lines of soul-winning that has been written by Dr. Charles L. Goodell. The church in many quarters is losing the soul-winning passion, and Dr. Goodell’s latest book will, no doubt, awaken many a Christian. He speaks of the methods of Jesus, and the passion which

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