King's Business - 1922-03


THE TRUE VINE Meditation for a month on John 15:1-16. The au­ thor says: "i have felt drawn to try to write what young Christians might easily apprehend as a help to them to take up that position in which the Chris­ tian life must be a suc­ cess." This book is most helpful. Price, boards, $ .75 HUMILITY If Jesus is indeed to be our Example in His lowli­ ness, we need to under­ stand the principles in which it was rooted, and in which we can find common ground on which we stand with Him, and in which our likeness to Him is to be at­ tained. And that is just what this splendid book shows us so very clearly. Price, paper boards,$ .75 WAITING ON GOD Written under the deep­ est conviction that we need more of God. This book teaches us in our worship more to wait upon God, and to make the cultivation of a deeper sense of this pres­ ence, of more direct con­ tact with Him, of entire dependence on Him the def­ inite aim of our lives. A book to be read, studied and then acted upon. Price, boards, $ .75 DIVINE HEALING The author in his preface says: "The publication Of this work may be regarded as a testimony of my faith in divine healing. 1 have been convinced anew of that which the Word of God teaches us in this mat­ ter, and of what the Lord expects of us, and I am sure that if Christians learned to realize practi­ cally the presence of the Lord that healeth, their Spiritual life would thereby be developed and sanctified. Every Christian should read and study this book. Price, paper, $ .50

WITH CHRIST IN THE SCHOOL OF PRAYER Shows that power with God is the highest attain­ ment of the life of full abid­ ing. A book that is well known, and deserves its popularity among earnest Christians. Bound in Mo­ rocco. Price, $ .75 ABIDE IN CHRIST Thoughts on the Blessed Life of Fellowship with the Son of God. The thirty-one short- story chapters of this book are arranged as daily read­ ings for a month. They are an exposition of the fif- .teenth chapter of John, — Christ’s words about the vine and the branches. Price, $ .75 LIKE CHRIST The object of this book is to "study the image of God in the man Christ Jesus, to yield and set open our inmost being for that image to take possession and live in us, and then to go forth and let the heav­ enly likeness reflect itself and shine out in our life among our fellowmen." Price, $ .75 If you would like to know the secret of the Com­ forting Presence, the in­ dwelling personality and power of the Holy Spirit, this is the one book that you need most to read. Better order it today. Price, 75c per copy Many Christians realize that conditions in the church today are not just right but they do not know why. This book tells what is the matter • and offers the only remedy. Price, cloth, $1.00 THE MASTER’S INDWELLING THE STATE OF THE CHURCH

No writer is safer or more sane than Andrew Murray, and we are glad to have him to turn to in these days of so much wrong "Pentecostal Bless­ ing" teaching. This book rings true to the Scripture teaching and is a book you need to hold you true. Price,, cloth, $ .75 THE PRAYER LIFE This book has been used of the Lord in deepening, broadening and intensifying the prayer life of many Christians. What it has done for others it can do for you— if you will only give it a good chance. Price, cloth, $1.00 The introduction tells us: "This book is the humble attempt to show what ex­ actly the blessings are that God has covenanted to be­ stow on us; what the as­ surance is the covenant gives that they must, can, and will be fulfilled; what the hold on God Himself is which it gives us; and what the conditions are for the full and continual experi­ ence of its blessings. Price, cloth, $1.00 WORKING FOR GOD The object of this book is to remind Christian workers of the greatness and the glory of the work in which God gives us a share. It aims at the same time to help those who complain that they are apparently la­ boring in vain to find out What may be the cause of so much failure. Price, cloth, $ .75 THE TWO COVE­ NANTS AND THE SECOND BLESSING

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