King's Business - 1922-03




THE LURE OF THE LEOPARD SKIN By Josephine H. Westervelt A stirring story of ad­ venture centered around experiences of a -young American who goes into Africa chiefly in search of adventure. This he finds in good measure and some­ thing else besides. He has encounters with wild ani­ mals— has narrow escapes from death and tropical diseases—and, best of all, while in the wilds he comes upon a mission station and through daily contact with the missionaries he comes to know their Saviour and becomes imbued with their spirit. A delightful ro­ mance is interwoven which holds the reader’s attention from beginning to end. Cloth, $175 By Hugh T. Kerr, D. D. An excellent book which can scarcely fail to be of great practical use. A book that will interest the children and help the preacher, teacher or mis­ sion-band leader over the many hard spots. Dr. Kerr has gathered stories about individuals, focusing the lessons in the personalities of the men and women of the mission field about whom he writes. Cloth, $1.25 THE CASE OF KOREA By Henry Chung A collection of evidences on the Japanese domination of Korea and the develop­ ment of the Korean Inde­ pendence Movement. A very rare case of a book pat to the minute, histor­ ical, expository, and docu­ mentary. Cloth, $3.00 CHILDREN’S MISSIONARY STORY-SERMONS

Four books of NEW Missionary stories by Margaret T. Applegartb that are exceedingly in­ teresting. FRIDAY’S FOOTSTEPS Thirty-nine missionary stories remarkable for life­ like movements and vivid coloring. A most charming presentation of the appeal of world-wide missions. Cloth, $1.50 MISSIONARY STORIES FOR LITTLE FOLKS First Series— Primary Fifty-two brief stories which cover the world of missions, both home and foreign; told in simple lan­ guage and illustrated by 52 drawings and verses. Cloth, $1.75 MISSIONARY s t o r ie s FOR LITTLE FOLKS Second Series— Junior Fifty-two true stories of foreign and home missions for older children, illus­ trated in a suggestive and original way,—a book that fills a real need for class use and for home instruc­ tions. Cloth, $1.75 A volume of fascinating interest in which the traits and characteristics of the peoples of the various na­ tions who have made their homes within the confines of the United States, are clearly and truthfully de­ picted. Cloth, $1.25 These stories are written not only to tell facts, but to create an attitude of mind towards missionary work around the world which shall be unconscious­ ly retained long after the details of the stories themselves are forgotten. NEXT-DOOR NEIGHBORS

By J. R. Saunders Presents in vivid fashion the situation now confront­ ing the Chinese and the western world, its Social, Political and Religious as­ pects. The book contains not only much informative material of a general char­ acter, but of a special mis­ sionary character and ap­ peal. Profusely illustrated. Cloth, $1.50 By J. H. Morrison The record of a journey to Central Africa, to Nya- saland and Northeastern Rhodesia, with the tomb of the great Livingstone as the final objective. A very valuable addition to cur­ rent missionary apologet­ ics. A book that will go straight to the hearts of its readers. • Cloth, $1.50 A STAR IN THE EAST By Edward N. Harris An account of missions to the Karens of Burma. A book quite out of the usual order of missionary books. It is enlightening a n d unusually readable, clearly broad-spirited and with an intellectual grasp of conditions surrounding work among these peculiar people. Cloth, $1.75 STREAMS IN THE DESERT

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