Blue Diamond Almond Facts September-October 2022


An example of our BioBuild3 Mix that had a poor germination and a poor stand for almond bloom. Also taken last year in April! See the difference ?

I am of the mind that terminating at the proper time may already be a huge contributing factor to control these emerging populations within the cover crop contexts . It is also worth mentioning that countless growers report they took their mite sprays off the table due to cover crops, likely due to dust reduction. Or the many stories we have heard from our growers about all the beneficial, predatory insects helping with almond IPM. There is certainly more ongoing research on this subject, so stay tuned. Principle 6: Termination Rationale, Timing, and Methods Principle: Timing and method will vary from ranch to ranch, but the rationale won’t. We terminate for three main reasons: 1. Not to impede or add to our water use budget

of the cash crop as temperatures warm; 2. To reduce/ eliminate unintended pest pressures that may damage the crop if levels are too high; and 3. To reduce unintended exposure to pollinators of all kinds with warm season crop control applications, including herbicides. For methods of termination, consider looking to the Almond Board of California’s Cover Crop Best Management Practice s. This is online at Project Apis m .’s website. 6 We send all Seeds for Bees growers a hard copy of this and Honey Bee Best Management Practices for California Almonds 7 : resources.html

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