Books Catalogue 2022

Royal Society of Chemistry | Books |

Royal Society of Chemistry | Books |

Green Chemistry Series

Green Chemistry Series

Green Sample Preparation Techniques Concepts, Novel Materials and Solvents, and Applications Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA | Javier Hernandez-Borges Universidad de La Laguna, Spain There is a trend towards development of eco-friendly methods of sample preparation without loss of efficiency. This book provides a general, critical, and updated vision of the different green sample preparation approaches that have been developed including miniaturisation of the extraction techniques, the use of greener solvents, such as certain ionic liquids (ILs), instead of conventional organic solvents, and the use of new selective sorbent materials which allow both extraction and clean-up in the same step. Advanced undergraduate and graduate students will find this book a good reference source and it will attract a broad audience including chemists, materials scientists, biologists, and chemical engineers.

Natural Product Extraction Principles and Applications 2nd Edition Juliana Prado University of Campinas, Brazil | Mauricio Rostagno University of Campinas, Brazil Natural products are used across a variety of industries, and extraction technologies and potential applications are of interest to many industrial sectors. The second edition of this book is intended to give an updated holistic, in-depth view of the techniques available for the extraction of natural products, along with applications and case studies. Conventional and emerging extraction techniques are discussed in detail. New topics include the use of enzymes, pulsed electric field and high voltage electrical discharge. Renewable Resources for Surface Coatings, Inks and Adhesives Rainer Höfer Editorial Ecosiris, Germany Providing a detailed survey of renewable rawmaterials for paints, inks and glues, this book examines the rawmaterials that are used, their sourcing and processing. It explores biorefineries and white biotechnology manufacturing technologies and the use of renewable rawmaterials in the latest developments in industrial surface coatings and adhesives. The book is ideal for researchers and industrialists working in green chemistry, industrial coatings, adhesives and inks and printing technologies. Sustainable and Functional Redox Chemistry Shinsuke Inagi Tokyo Insititute of Technology, Japan Mimicking nature's efficiency and sustainability in organic chemistry is a major goal for future chemists; redox reactions are a key element in a variety of fields ranging from synthesis and catalysis to materials chemistry and analytical applications. Sustainability is increasingly becoming a consideration in synthesis and functional chemistry and an essential element for the next generation of chemistry in academia and industry. This book represents a compilation of the latest advancements in functional redox chemistry and demonstrates its importance in achieving a more sustainable future. This book is an ideal companion for any postgraduate students or researchers interested in sustainability in academia and industry. Waste Valorisation Using Ionic Liquids Francisca e Silva University of Aveiro, Portugal | Ana Sousa University of Aveiro, Portugal | Mara Freire University of Aveiro, Portugal | João Coutinho University of Aveiro, Portugal Modern Societies produce high loads of waste, which may cause environmental contamination, valuable resources loss and disposal problems. In the circular economy concept nothing would ever become waste and everything can be re-usable or recoverable. Ionic liquids provide a potential route for valorisation of different waste types. Covering different types of waste, including municipal, industrial, electronic, and medical waste, this book aims to deliver a comprehensive perspective on the application and commercialization of ionic liquids towards waste valorisation.

Hardback | 350 pages 9781839165214 | 2022 £169.00 | $235.00

Hardback | 550 pages 9781839162640 | 2022 £179.00 | $250.00



Hardback | 300 pages 9781782629931 | 2022 £159.00 | $220.00

Green Toxicology Making Chemicals Benign by Design

Hardback | 350 pages 9781839162282 | 2022 £169.00 | $235.00



Alexandra Maertens Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA Green Toxicology is an integral part of Green Chemistry. One of the key goals of Green Chemistry is to design less toxic chemicals. Therefore, an understanding of toxicology and hazard assessment is important for any chemist working in Green Chemistry, but toxicology is rarely part of most chemists' education. This book seeks to fill that gap and demonstrate how a basic understanding of toxicology, as well as the tools of in silico and in vitro toxicology, can be an integral part of Green Chemistry

Hardback | 400 pages 9781839162466 | 2022 £179.00 | $250.00

Methane Conversion Routes Status and Prospects

Hardback | 350 pages 9781788014304 | 2022 £169.00 | $235.00



Vladimir Galvita Ghent University, Belgium | René Bos Ghent University, Belgium Methane is an abundantly available carbon-based feedstock but historically it has been underutilised due to its low chemical reactivity. Highlighting the recent advances in methane activation and direct conversion processes this book discusses the progress and current state of the art for a wide variety of alternative methane activation and subsequent conversion processes, including homogeneous and heterogeneous catalytic, electro catalytic and pyrolytic systems. It is a useful resource for those working in green chemistry, catalysis and chemical engineering.

Hardback | 300 pages 9781839163999 | 2022 £159.00 | $220.00




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