Band Shoppe 2017-18 Catalog

Don't see an in stock design that fits your performance? Check out our custom sewn flags on pages 204-216!


FLS228 | $36.95 ea | 36" × 54" Shown in: Buttercream, Lt Orange, Crimson, Peach, and Safari Poly China Silk with Brass Lamé

FLS229 | $36.95 ea | 36" × 54" Shown in: Sapphire, Wisteria, Lavender, Turquoise, and Lilac Poly China Silk with Magenta Lamé

FLS0212 | $33.95 ea | 36" × 54" Shown in:  Sapphire, Periwinkle, and Royal Poly China Silk with Yellow, Amber, Orange, Red, Flame, Butterscotch, Brass, and Gold Lamé

FLS198 | $33.95 ea | 36" × 54" Shown in: Sapphire, Violet, Turquoise,

FLS1412 | $33.95 ea | 36" × 54" Shown in: Lime, Kelly, Violet, Goldenrod,

Goldenrod, and Lt Yellow Poly China Silk with Columbia, Hot Pink, Royal, and Brass Lamé

Orange Poly China Silk with Kelly, Violet, Lime, and Orange Lamé

FLS167 | $34.95 ea | 36" × 54" Shown in: Black, Neon Lime, Neon Green, Dk Grey, and Silver Poly China Silk

FLS0861 | $29.95 ea | 30" × 48" Shown in: Black, Neon Pink, Neon Lime, and Neon Orange Poly China Silk with Black Lamé

FLS206 | $32.95 ea | 36" × 54" Shown in: Neon Yellow, Black, and Neon Lime Poly China Silk

FLS0892 | $31.95 ea | 36" × 54" Shown in: Neon Lime, Lt Yellow, Neon Pink Poly China Silk with Hot Pink Lamé and Gold Ultra Lamé

FLS202 | $29.95 ea | 36" × 54" Shown in: Violet, Kiwi, Lavender, Apple, Orchid, and Lilac Poly China Silk

FLS196 | $29.95 ea | 36" × 54" Shown in: Pink and Rose Poly China Silk


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