Band Shoppe 2017-18 Catalog

WGI educational videos on DVD! WGI provides a venue for young people to achieve the extraordinary through performance and competition. Their mission is to organize high-energy and enjoyable color guard and percussion events, and provide leadership through education to constantly improve the quality of ensemble.


$ 29. 95 ea

$ 29. 95 ea

WARM UP: MOVEMENT SERIES — VOL 1 DC889N The warm up is a crucial part of maintaining and building healthy muscles and joints as a dancer. Join Carol Abohatab from the Santa Clara Vanguard as she shows common stretching and yoga techniques used to build and prepare muscles for movement.

FLAG FUNDAMENTALS WITH ROSIE MILLER DC889A This video teaches the basic movements and routines to give your students a solid foundation of skills. Topics include: basic positions, drop spins, adding lower body, hand-to-hand moves, flips, combining exercises, carving, spins & stops, and tosses.

$ 29. 95 ea

$ 29. 95 ea

SABRE FUNDAMENTALS WITH CAROL ABOHATAB DC889B Learn the techniques to spin and toss, as well as exercises designed to increase flexibility for a greater range of opportunities with this piece of equipment. Topics include: holding the sabre, hilt switch exercises, spin & stop exercises, flourishes & tempo changes, tracking, wrist & arm stretches, tosses, and a review of the vocabulary associated with sabres.

TECHNIQUE CLASS: MOVEMENT SERIES — VOL 2 DC889O Join Carol Abohatab from the Santa Clara Vanguard as she teaches you everything you need to know about a standing center class with technique for the spine, legs, and feet.

$ 29. 95 ea

$ 29. 95 ea

ACROSS THE FLOOR: MOVEMENT SERIES — VOL 3 DC889P Featuring Carol Abohatab, choreographer for the Santa Clara Vanguard World Guard and a modern dance teacher for more than 20 years. Across the Floor teaches you everything you need to know about methods of travel, getting in and out of the ground, turns, leaps, and jumps!

RIFLE FUNDAMENTALS WITH ANDY TOTH DC889C This comprehensive training program takes students from the most basic moves and positions. Learn to identify problems, make corrections and guide your students to success. Topics include: positions & spins, adding body, starts & stops, flourishes, double time techniques, and tosses.

$ 29. 95 ea

$ 29. 95 ea


WGI ® PRESENTS: TOSS DC889L Join seven of the top equipment designers and technicians as they teach you everything you want to know about tosses! These experts will cover all 3 pieces of equipment from the basics to more challenging tosses. Learn the “tricks of the trade” from Jill Brennan, Robby DuFresne, April Gilligan, Fred Marier, Adam Sage, Rosie (Miller) Queen, and Tracy Wooton in this “lesson of a lifetime” from some of the greatest!

Join some of the top designers in the indoor percussion activity as they discuss visual design. Discover design elements, terms, and concepts which will broaden your vocabulary and widen your range of possibilities. Topics include: how to storyboard a show, how to come up with visual concepts, tips on staging, positives and negatives on pit placement, secrets on tarps, prop building, and design choices.

Opened Videos are non-exchangeable and non-returnable.


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