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officials are ultimately responsible and I pledge to take all necessary measures to achieve the objectives we will have set. In addition, I will listen to the needs of citizens. Stéphane Sarrazin: I have attended several council meetings over the last four years and I know what are the two biggest challenges facing our municipality. Mem- bers of the new council will have to work to improve services to citizens by filling open positions in some departments. The municipality has had a lot of difficulty in this regard in recent years, relations between employees, directors and council was some- UJNFTTUSBJOFE8FOFFEBHPPEUFBNTP UIBUBMMDBOXPSLJOIBSNPOZ8FBMTPIBWF infrastructure problems that prevent growth JOTPNFWJMMBHFT8FNVTUBDUBOEUSZXJUI grant assistance to undertake a plan to improve our sewage systems. I attended a meeting where a businessman was present with his boy and said he had been sitting in the same place 30 years earlier with his father to discuss the same issues ...
Stéphane Sarrazin: /PPOFXBOUTUP hear about a tax hike, it’s obvious. The cost of living is very high nowadays, with some families just barely able to pay their monthly bills. In addition, the municipality has unpaid taxes (accounts receivable) in the amount
With the municipal elections fast approaching, we have asked three questions to Prescott-Russell mayoral candidates. Questions related to their priorities, the infrastructure, taxes as well as their management style. Here are their answers. In your opinion, what are the two greatest challenges facing your municipality? If you are elected mayor, what steps do you plan to take to overcome them? Jean-Pierre Cadieux: It’s important to diversify funding sources in order to keep taxes as low as possible while offering qual- ity services to citizens. There are several issues, including economic development: Highway 17, Alfred College, promoting the banks of the Ottawa River, protecting the environment and creating jobs. Your elected
À l’approche des élections municipales, nous avons posé trois questions aux candidats des diverses mairies de Prescott-Russell. Les questions portaient sur leurs priorités, les infrastructures, l’impôt foncier ainsi que sur leur style de gestion. En photo, on retrouve le candidat Stéphane Sarrazin. —archives 8FNVTUHPGPSXBSEXJUIPVSQSPKFDUTBOE services. Avoid raising property taxes for taxpayers while improving infrastructure is a recurring electoral theme in any election campaign. &/#3&'r#3*&'4 DÉPART DE LA DG DE GROUPE CONVEX Le conseil d’administration de Groupe Convex de Prescott-Russell a récem- ment annoncé le départ de sa direc- trice générale Caroline Arcand. « Après avoir cofondé Groupe Convex en 2004, elle a emmené Groupe Convex à s’afficher comme un leader provincial en matière d’économie sociale, peut-on lire dans le communiqué envoyé aux médias. Caroline a su s’entourer d’une équipe dévouée. Ceci s’en résulte qu’elle lègue une organisation bien rodée et bien positionnée à tous les plans. » UN NOËL EN AUTOMNE Le Club Amicale Belle Rive organise un Noël en automne à l’hôtel Cheribourg à Magog, du 4 au 6 novembre prochain. Information : Laurent, 613-296-4685.
Le candidat Jean-Pierre Cadieux. —archives
of nearly $1 million. In the last council bud- get, elected officials voted for a 3 per cent increase that represented about 6.2 per cent with the increase in MPAC ratings of properties. As I mentioned to many people, we have to be smart in our expenses and stop overpaying on projects. If you are elected mayor, you will be the leader of the municipal council. How do you plan to work with other City Council colleagues who may not necessarily share your point of view? Jean-Pierre Cadieux: 8JUINZZFBST of experience around the council table, I know the important issues. I have a solid reputation as a negotiator, a diplomat and I respect the opinions of all. I expect a civil and polite behavior from other elected of- ficials. I will lead by example and I will apply the code of ethics to everything I do. Stéphane Sarrazin: The council must form a team ready to work for the good of the whole community and not only for their villages. Our municipality has seven villages and each of these villages has its characteristics. If I am elected as mayor for council, I will ensure that the councilors comply with the municipality’s code of ethics. I am committed to listening and maintaining respect for our council, our employees and our taxpayers.
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