EXERCISE ESSENTIALS Try these exercises to relieve hand & wrist pain!
While ergonomic gardening tools are great for lowering the risk of pain and injury, sometimes they unfortunately do not always do the trick. If you still find yourself in pain this Summerwhile working on your garden, contact Hand In Hand Rehabilitation as soon as possible. One of our Certified Hand Therapists (CHTs) will take a look at your upper extremities in order to determine the root of the pain. Afterward, an individualized treatment planwill be created for you in order to relieve your pain and improve your overall function. Treatments may include manual therapy, massage, or guided exercises to get the affected area(s) back to their normal range of motion. If needed, custom orthotics can also be prescribed to help you comfortably continue doing the activities you love. If you are suffering from upper extremity pain, or you’d like to learn more about how ergonomic tools may benefit you, contact Hand In Hand Rehabilitation today! We’ll help you trim your pains away so you can get back to tending to your garden as much as you’d like. WHAT IF I STILL FEEL PAIN WHILE GARDENING?
Downwards Prayer Stretch Stand with good posture. Place the backs of your hands together in front of your chest right belowyour chin. Slowly raise your hands until you feel a mild to moderate stretch on top of your forearms. Hold for at least 15 to 30 seconds. Repeat as needed.
To learn more, visit our website at: HandInHandRehabilitation.com
1. Call 516.333.1481 (Long Island) or 212.472.1000 (Manhattan) to talk with your occupational therapist and discuss your pain and symptoms. WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW?
WRIST EXTENSION STRETCH Rest your forearm on a surface for support so that your wrist hangs over the edge. Hold your palm and knuckles with your other hand and relax the tips of your fingers. Gently bend the wrist of the grasped hand upwards using your other hand. Your fingers can remain bent while doing so. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat 3 times.
2. Your occupational therapist may suggest exercises or precautionary measures to relieve or avoid pain.
3. If further assessment is needed to find the cause of your paint, your therapist can schedule an appointment with you.
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