the next location of their protests and, to hike and camp in locations that they feel are sacred habitat. Apparently, created only for them by the God they don’t believe exists. It’s a conundrum. Our governor is trying cut our bloated budget and, not surprisingly, every non- profit, entitlement-receiving, public employee union member and federal worker is up in arms. There’s more but, I’d rather read your submittals. Thanks for keeping our lights on. Cranially speaking. – Brad S. P.J. O’Rourke comment: Letter of the month, Brad! And thanks for the laughs. Maybe we should put you in touch with Edward N. and Virginia F. above. Sounds like it’s Alaska that needs the wall.
inherently wrong with immigration. Our country was built on it. What we have is a “refugee crisis,” with desperate people doing desperate things to escape from evil elsewhere in the world. Meanwhile our government is stuck in a traditional “immigration” mindset and doesn’t have a clue how to deal with the refugees, let alone the evil. Re: America is Roaring Buck Sexton’s email deposit was a perfect way to start my day. P.J. O’Rourke entered my life when I was a young lad in Jr. High and High School enjoying the fruits of his labors, National Lampoon . I mean, who WOULDN’T follow him on his adventures as a clear-headed, fully oxygenated adult after dosing myself with the aforementioned rag? Just sayin’. Thanks for the concise analysis of today’s societal and political travails. It’s been creeping up here to Alaska for quite some time. Why? The greenies and leftists who shit in their own mess kits in the Lower 48 are running up here in droves to escape their own filth. Unfortunately, they want to save us from ourselves by giving us plastic instead of paper bags and... but wait... now they want to take away the plastic bags because they’re polluting our cities and choking seals offshore – who are only trying to escape the indigenous peoples wielding Adirondack Big Sticks in order to club them into submission. And, the same natural resource that built this buxom state is a target of their climate change scorn. Of course, they drive to
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