King's Business - 1934-07

July-August, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


The Lord Jesus accepted, with tender graciousness, this act o f loving kindness, and not only spoke words of forgiveness to the woman, but gave to Simon and to us this message of forgiving love. Every one has either the heart o f this woman or o f the proud Pharisee. Either we bow in humble penitence, or we are proud and self-right­ eous. Let us remember that “ all the fitness He requireth is to feel our need o f Him.” Leader's Helps 1 R ebuke A Chinese man was rudely pushed off the sidewalk by an American. Picking himself up from the. mud into which he fell, and bowing politely to the American, he said in a mild voice, “You Christian, me heathen, allee samee, good-by.” Could he have given a better reproof in a more courteous way? — S elected . II. E xpressing the H eart , 1. “What is the good o f being gold if you look like brass ?” Persons with gentle man­ ners, though not noted for goodness, are often preferred to those who pride them­ selves on being good at heart, but disre­ gard smooth manners and gentleness. It is, therefore, o f the greatest importance to form early the habit o f being gracious. ---M ARDEN. 2 . A person’s face may be all right when it is dirty, but it is much more pleasant to look upon when it is clean. Poor manners may not be a sin, any more than dirt is, but they are not nice to see.—S elected . 3. What is courtesy? Courtesy is not some­ thing artificial. It springs from the heart.

It is an expression of thoughtfulness for others. At its foundation lie the great moral qualities of kindness and self-respect. Courtesy reveals a kindly spirit.— S hearer .

flocks separated. Naturally, strife and quar­ reling followed. The owners would soon be involved. What a pity! One significant phrase occurs in verse 7, “the Canaanite and the Perizzite dwelt then in the land.” Abram knew this dissension must not con­ tinue, for two reasons: First, if those war­ like neighbors heard of strife between Abram and Lot, they would seize the op­ portunity to attack. Then, too, a quarrel between the two would bring reproach on the blessed name of Jehovah. Would that present-day Christians might remember the same thing! Abram suggested the only wise proce­ dure—that they separate. He graciously al­ lowed Lot to choose which portion of the whole land would be his. This offer showed the great heart o f the man. Being the older o f the two, and being leader of the expedi­ tion, Abram had absolute right to first choice. But in the interests o f good will and peace, as well as for the honor of his God, Abram waived his rights. The later history shows how poorly Lot chose, and how marvelously God blessed faithful Abram. Leader’s Helps I. T he J ericho R oad I did not hurt the man; I only chanced that way. No coin of his within my purse was found; I hastened to my errand—scant my time— I left him lying there upon the ground. And I a priest must reach the temple door Before the bell had tolled that calls to prayer. It was not mine to linger at his side; I hastened on and left him lying there. [Continued on page 274]

SEPTEMBER 23, 1934 Basic Virtues— Good W ill G enesis 13 :8, 9 Suggestions for the Meeting

Call to Worship— “I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house o f the Lord.” Hymn—“ Praise H im ! Praise H im !” Hymn—“What a Wonderful Saviour.” Prayer. Hymn—“Help Somebody Today.” Scripture—Genesis 13:5-9. Solo— “ Others.” Leader’s Message. Testimonies. Quiet Hour. Hymn—“ Christ for the World We Sing.” Benediction—Numbers 6:24-26. Meditation on the Lesson Abram, “the friend o f God,” had reached a crisis in his life. Long before this time, God had called him to leave,home, family, and friends and to follow Him. Abram had obeyed—but Lot had gone with him. Lot was his nephew, who had probably inherit­ ed his father’s money; and when his uncle Abram left, Lot, perhaps fascinated by his uncle’s heroic faith and the lure of the un­ tried, accompanied him. W e know from his subsequent history that he was a hindrance to Abram’s spiritual life. Lot has been called the “ Pliable” o f Pilgrim’s Progress. Their herds had increased so that the keepers were having trouble keeping the

©EJECTS TEAT TALE ANC TEACH By LOUIS T. TALBOT, Pastor, Church of the Open Door; President, Bible Institute of Los Angeles 52 Object Lessons 1 fo r each Sunday for the Year ’ round 75 Common Objects and Toys are made toTalk and Teach Bible Truths


T HE King’s Business announces that it will mail post­ paid to any address a copy, together with a year’s subscription to The King’s Business, for $1.50. Objects that Talk and Teach is a hook of useful object lessons for children, and is the direct outcome of Mr. Tal­ bot’s experience as pastor. Each of the 52 object lessons is ILLUSTRATED, the objects LISTED at the beginning of

the lesson, SCRIPTURE verses suggested, and the METHOD of presenting the lesson given. These Object Lessons Are Adaptable and Usable During the past year, Mr. Talbot, the author, has used these lessons as a part of his morning church service, to the delight and profit of several hundred boys and girls, and of several thousand grown-ups.


DR. E. L. McCREERY, Dean of Bible Institute of Los Angeles:

REV. CHAS. E. HURLBURT, Bible Teacher and Pioneer Missionary to Africa: "The object talks by Mr. Talbot to the children, young and old, at the Church of the Open Door, are the finest and most markedly Spirit-inspired of any to which I have ever listened. It is a joy to know that they are to be put in shape so a wider circle may get their messages, and perhaps some of God's messengers may be able to use them again."

" I most heartily commend Mr. Talbot’s book, OBJECTS THAT TALK AND ^ t TEACH, as it meets a long-felt need on the part of many pastors and Chris­ tian workers, who are desirous of impressing spiritual truth on the minds of the children of their congregation."

ADD 25c FOR CANADA OR FOREIGN COUNTRIES. In case only the book is desired, order should be addressed to THE KING’S BUSINESS, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California, and 75c enclosed. ORDER THIS HELPFUL, USABLE BOOK TODA Y ----52 OBJECT LESSONS FOR 75 CENTS

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