King's Business - 1934-07


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

July - August, 1934

same king. It tells us how God took care of him and his people and protected them from their en­ emies. L e s s o n S to r y : S e n n a c h e r i b , the king of Assyria, was their enemy. He had conquered many cit­ ies with his great army and wanted to

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be given to America today. There needs to be a cry sent forth in our land—an appeal such as Isaiah sent forth so long a g o : Put away the idols o f silver and gold, however powerful they may appear, and turn back again to the unseen but suf­ ficient God, and He will fight for us with unseen weapons. This word is addressed not only to na­ tions, but to individuals as well. There is a sense in which Isaiah spoke to the nation only, but the nation was made up o f indi­ viduals. If any individual desires to do good to his nation, let that individual turn whole-heartedly to the Lord. Points and Problems 1. “ Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help” (Isa. 31:1). Egypt is a type of the world, out of which the people of God had been gloriously delivered, and from which they had been separated. And now they proposed to go back to Egypt for help in the hour o f need. It is still true today that many o f the church’s troubles arise because she is being advised to go “ down to Egypt” for help. Even the pagan Rab- shakeh was right when he said to the Jews: “ Lo, thou trustest in the staff of this broken reed, on Egypt; whereon if a man lean, it will go into his hand, and pierce it” (Isa. 36:6). 2. The word “ stay” in verse 1 of our lesson is used in an obsolete sense, and is likely to mislead the modern English reader. The meaning is best expressed by the word “rely.” Israel is not to rely upon horses, for they are “flesh, and not spirit” (v. 3). 3. The figure in verse 5 is very beauti­ ful as set forth in the American Revised Version: “As birds hovering, so will Je­ hovah o f hosts protect Jerusalem.” As the parent birds hover over the nest to pro­ tect their young, so God will be over Jeru­ salem. Notice also the four verbs which describe God’s protecting care: “He will protect and deliver it. he will pass over and preserve it” (R .V .). There is no emergency which is not covered by these assuring words. 4. “ Then the angel of the Lord went forth” (Isa. 37:36). This great angel o f the Old Testament was none other than our Lord Jesus Christ in His pre-incarnate state. Compare Malachi 3 :1, “ The Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger (Heb., “ angel” ) o f the covenant, whom ye delight in.” His destruction of the Assyrian host is a type o f what He will do to the armies of the Beast when He comes down to earth to establish His millenial kingdom. Read Revelation 19:11-21. Golden Text Illustration A n American who had wrecked his mind and body by the incessant and uncontrolled scramble for money went to see a great nerve specialist. He was considerably sur­ prised when he was asked the question: “ How much does your religion mean to you?”— so surprised, in fact, that he was unable to reply. The famous doctor then explained that there was one class o f peo­ ple he scarcely ever saw in his consulting room—the people who believe and practice the Christian religion.—F. A . A t k in s , in Pearls for Preachers, by Hart. A King’s Prayer and God’s Answer I saiah 37:14-36 Memory Verse: “ The Lord will hear when I call unto him” (Psa. 4:3). Approach: You remember how the good king Hezekiah took care o f his people— how he brought them back to worship the true God? Our story today is about the

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take Jerusalem. He sent a message to Hezekiah. He did this to frighten him. He said in his message: “ Thou hast heard what the kings o f Assyria have done to all lands by destroying them utterly; and shalt thou be delivered?” What do you suppose Hezekiah did when he read this letter? Was he fright­ ened? Did he run away? Well, perhaps he felt like doing that, because he knew that Sennacherib had many more soldiers than he had. He knew, too, that what Sennacherib’s messenger said about the other kings and their people having been destroyed was true. But Hezekiah did not run away. He went up into; the house o f the Lord and he spread out the letter before the Lord and he prayed. He said: “ O Lord our God, save us from his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that thou art the Lord, even thou only.” Then Isaiah, the prophet, sent to Heze­ kiah, and said something like this: “Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, by the way that Sennacherib came, by the same shall he return, and shall not come into this city. For I will defend this city to save it.” And this is what happened. Thousands o f the soldiers of Sennacherib’s army died, in the night. So Sennacherib took the rest o f his army and departed. Object Lesson B ill and B ob B ottle Objects: Two small bottles, a cork, some ink, and a fish bowl or large jar. Lesson : Bill and Bob Bottle are like many of the boys and girls who attend this Sunday-school. The bottle brothers also remind us o f the prophet Isaiah and the rulers about whom we studied in our Sun­ day-school lesson thi§ morning. Bill re­ ceived the Word of God and profited by it. This cork is marked “God’s Word,” and Bill receives it. Bob thought he was too smart to receive the Word o f God. He is like many boys and girls who come to Sun­ day-school and go away without letting the Word o f God come into their hearts. Bob thought that there was nothing to be gained and much to be lost by receiving the Word of God. He imagined that he had a right to do some of the things which the Bible had forbidden. This bowl of water represents the world before sin entered through the fall—the wrongdoing—of Adam and Eve. As I drop this black ink into the water, let us remind ourselves o f how sin entered. It was through the sin of two people that sin en-

^Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Cal. Please send prospectus describ­ ing Home Bible Study Courses.

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