King's Business - 1934-07

H e r e is YOUR opportunity to earn money and at the same time render a great service that will be of tremendous benefit to your fellow man, both now and in the future. You are invited to join our organization, to work with us in spreading the message of the hour. We will pay you well for service rendered, if you can meet our qualifications. The Race Between Destruction and Education is on! A startling new plan has been evolved—one that is destined to change the lives possibly of millions for the better—a plan easily grasped by all. Would you like to take a part in placing in the hands of the people something that could literally dry up the liquor traffic at its source, if properly put into use? Dr. Marshall Morgan Cloud makes this possible through his latest a book, “ FACTS ABOUT ALCOHOLIC DRINKS,” just off the press. It is con­ cise, pungent, truthful. It is unique, in that it takes an entirely new and surprising course in many relative subjects. Some say: We had P roh ib it ion— Now we Have Repeal. Will the Next Move be Education for Total Abstinence? The facts boiled down to a minimum. Within its 35 pages there is such a wealth of knowledge''that the book is already considered indispensable to the student, teacher, lecturer,''and the workers in the field. Offers practical workable solutions for today’s problems. ________ The Burning Question of the Day is the Liquor Problem It is in the press, on the radio, is being discussed in all kinds o f groups and gatherings. Both sides are becoming more and more insistent in their claims. The public wants the facts and demands that these facts be presented by one with authority to do so. DR- MARSHALL MORGAN CLOUD, B.Sc., A.M., M.D., F.A.C.S., and many other distinctions, too numerous to mention, has THAT authority. He knows whereof he speaks. Read about his ac- I complishments in “WHO ’S WHO IN AMERICA,” 1932-33 edition, Vol. 17, page 544. His study, medical practice, research,—in fact his entire career—have preeminently fitted him to write this “book o f the hour.” Do not rest until you have secured and read it. By so doing, you will be greatly helped and better fitted to help others. Stop being buffeted around. Arm yourself with authentic facts. A leading organization, com- posed of men who are leaders in their community, has adopted this book as the guide and textbook for its members to use in lecturing and teaching on the subject. The people are ready to receive this message. Capitalize on the present situation. Become a distributor of this great revelation. Order your copy now. T T E M M ■ ■

N f

SEND 25c in coin or stamps for your copy of the book and full money-making details. Address all correspondence t o :

FACTS ABOUT ALCOHOLIC DRINKS, 420 North Mentor Ave., Pasadena, Calif.

Enclosed find 25c, for which please send me one copy of the book, FACTS ABOUT ALCOHOLIC DRINKS, and full money-making details, postpaid.

FACTS ABOUT ALCOHOLIC DRINKS 420 North Mentor Ave., Pasadena, Calif.





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