Back To Action: Strengthening Shoulders


Lightly push forearms into the wall while sliding arms up. Make sure to keep your back flat. Raise your arms as high as you can without pain while keeping your shoulders down. Do the same when bringing them back down. This trains your body to raise the arms without substituting the neck muscles and strengthen the shoulders. Simple shoulder and neck rolls are good starting points for getting your joints moving and muscles relaxed which can both help to reduce pain. Ofcourse,self-testingathome isan imperfectway todetermine if your headaches and neck pain are coming from poor posture or other shoulder issues. They just show you where your body as limited movement, which may be causing your problems. Handling any problem sooner rather than later, leads to better results and preventing long-term damage, such as arthritis. We welcome you to schedule a visit with us for a more complete evaluation. We’re offering a no-cost shoulder and neck screening to help get you on the road to better health and less pain. Give Back to Action Physical Therapy a call today to talk with your therapist.

Physical Therapists Are The Mechanics Of Your Body! Minor aches and pains are warning signals from your body to let you know something is not working properly. Don’t put off the pain until it’s too late. Come in today for a “Tune-Up.”

Relieve Shoulder Pain In 60 Seconds Try this movement if you are experiencing pain.

Stretches Shoulders

SHOULDER CHEST STRETCH Place arms at shoulder level on either side of a doorframe. Step forward. You should feel a stretch across the front of your chest. Important: Do not support your weight with your arms.

Take Care Of Your Aches & Pains Before It’s Too Late.


Harlingen 956-428-8951

Del Rio 830-775-9118

Brownsville 956-621-0397

Eagle Pass 830-757-2497

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