American Consequences - September 2019


anywhere, although you might be stopped by the police and you might be detained if your papers

thoughtlessly accepted by Boobus americanus – and anything is possible. Including a trip to a CIA black site in some Third World hellhole. This is something I thought was settled in Western Civilization with the Magna Carta and King John. But we’re going backwards in most areas of personal freedom. And America, of all places, is leading the way – even while falling behind economically.

aren’t in order. Or if the officer thinks you’re not properly respectful. Or you have “too much” cash. Was there any particular day that Germany became a police state in the 1930s? I’m not sure you can put your finger on any one particular day, even after Hitler was legally and democratically elected. It was a progression, with new laws, new regulations, new taxes every day, while more fear and hysteria were worked up among the populace. Kristallnacht didn’t occur the day after the National Socialists took power. It’s a case of the frog being put in a kettle of water where the temperature is gradually raised to a boil. That’s what’s occurring in the U.S. After 9/11, in addition to Homeland Security, we got the Patriot Act, with, among other things, its suspension of habeas corpus . That means that the government can lock anybody up for any reason and not even have to tell them why. Accuse them of being an “enemy combatant” – a neologism that justifies anything, and is robotically and Doug Casey is a true contrarian investor. The founder of Casey Research and one of the most successful natural resource speculators in the world, Doug has also recently begun publishing the High Ground series of books – thrilling and provoking stories about speculation, morality, and libertarian ideas.

It’s a case of the frog being put in a kettle of water where the temperature is gradually raised to a boil. That’s what’s occurring in the U.S.

I don’t know if I can put my finger on exactly when we’re going to go over the edge, but if I was going to guess, I would think the real catalyst is going to be the next 9/11-type event. And I don’t doubt it’s going to happen. How are we any different than the Germans in the 1930s? This was one of the most civilized, best-educated countries in Europe and they fell into the abyss. I suppose we’re a bit different. Americans are addicted to welfare, anti-depressant drugs, food, and electronic devices. That should certainly give us a better outcome... There’s a joke I like to tell. Let me ask you this: Which is the gravest danger? Is it the ignorance, or is it the apathy of the average American today? Stumped? Here’s the answer: I don’t know and I don’t care.


September 2019

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